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RE: Saturday Sanitation

in Hive Learners2 years ago

When I started reading your post what came to my mind was that, the boys are always lucky they don't have to do the hard part of the work, but when I read to the part when your friend was complaining, I was like whaaat?😳😳

Well firstly I believe that sweeping is a ladies job.

And secondly if I give your friend a broom to sweep, I am 99% sure that he will not last 10mint in it, I believe that he can not bend for a long time to sweep a large compound like the school doom he will definitely prefer to go dump the trash.

I also see no hard thing in walking a long distance when you are with a group of friends, because you won't even feel a thing, you will be gisting and before you know it you are already done with your work.
So I still think that in this case the guys were given the easiest part.