Great recipe for delicious ice cream...

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Hi friend's,
I am @rasel72. From #Bangladesh.

How is everyone? I hope you are all well I'm fine too Again, I appeared among you with another new post of mine Today I will share with you a very interesting recipe. Today I will share a fun recipe with ice cream. We hope you all enjoy the recipe, so let's get started.


Great recipe for delicious ice cream


  1. Ice cream
  2. Cut bread.
  3. Soybean oil.



First you have to buy your own ice cream and cut bread from the market I have a small cup of ice cream and four pieces of bread



Then place a teaspoonful of ice cream in the middle of a loaf of bread.



Now with another loaf of bread on it, you have to make a round with the help of a glass So that the mouths of the two loaves are stuck together and the ice cream is inside.



I made four big ones in the same process.



Now put the pan in an oven and put soybean oil in it.



Then when the oil is slightly hot, I give it to the big ones.




After some time, when one side is fried, the other side should be fried by turning it upside down. Then take it down.



This is ready, you can easily make delicious ice cream and then serve it in front of people like yourself. I hope you all like today's recipe. Everyone will be fine, stay healthy. See you again with a new recipe.

Many thanks to everyone for viewing my recipe today.

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 2 years ago  

Thank you.