in Hive Learners2 years ago (edited)


On this weeks weekly featured content from the hive-learners;

Imagine you had the opportunity to travel to the past, any year at all in your lifetime. But only for ten minutes. What will you accomplish in that short timeframe? What are the things you will try to change? Feel free to tell us.

When I read this question out loud, I turned and addressed my partner and asked him what he would love to change in the past if he had 10mins, his answer was very blunt and direct;

everything I own and have now I did not have it in the past so let the past stay the way it is I don’t wish to change anything about it, I am thankful for my present

Although that wasn’t the answer I was hoping for but he always give me answer that leaves me pondering anytime I ask him questions like this. His words were true even tho a disappointment to my quest to get inspiration on what to write about. But it made me appreciate my past, I began recalling some really not so fine moments in my life and thinking about one thing or two I would like to change about those incidents and I couldn’t find anything to change.

The most recent one which happened to me a week ago I said what if I had told the lady no I can’t help you ma’am and let the people in the market help her find a tricycle to get her to the hospital (check my previous post for the full story), I mean I would have saved myself all the trauma and heartbreak I have experienced this past week. I immediately canceled the thought because also imagine she had gotten help And was Still alive today, it wouldn’t be a regret, I really wouldn’t change anything about what happened that day in regards to my offering a helping hand, I mean if not that the country isn’t safe to practice kindness and humanity, what I did was a good deed and I would not allow the outcome of that experience rob me off my sanity and kindness.

Just as I was thinking out loud to my partner, I remembered an experience when I was a child, and that was it for me, I knew I had to use my ten minute to go back and change a very silly disobedient decision I made.

One day my mum and I were seated outside of our balcony when we looked down at the next compound and saw our neighbors, her husband and their pastor conducting what seemed to be a prayer session. To our suprise, the woman fell and began what we concluded to be manifesting and her pastor kept sprinkling a liquid on her, after a while she stopped and her husband picked her up and they headed inside their house.

My mom already concluded that it was a deliverance session they had just performed. Fast forward to a week later, I stumbled upon this neighbor on my way to an errand and she invited me for her little daughters birthday, nothing big just a small indoor party, she asked me to tell my mum and sister and we could all come. When I got home I told my mum and she said never, somebody we saw manifesting that day you want to go and eat in her house?, it was then she forbade me or my siblings from going to the woman’s house.


Well the day of the birthday came and I found myself home alone, as a child I really wanted to go, my mom had already warned me that when left home alone I shouldn’t come out or open the door for anyone except my family members. Well I thought since no one will catch me I might as well quickly go for the birthday party and leave quickly.

I wore a pretty dress and I did go for the party, I ate rice, drank juice and ate cake. I got back home in no time and no one had come back, it was a relief to me that no one saw me .

Well Not until I put myself in trouble with my own mouth

As a child I was a chatterbox, I talked and talked and talked, I was always talking, from one story to the other. And before I knew it I referred to the sweet cake I ate at the birthday party to my mums hearing.
My mum asked ‘what birthday?
It was at that moment I knew I had exposed myself. I told her I went for the birthday next door and she was really furious, that day I received the beating of my life.

If I had ten minutes back to my past I would tell myself no Rookie, don’t go for that party because the beating you would receive isn’t worth the rice and cake, you would eat many more rice and cakes in the future. Lol, it sounds funny but really I would go back and give my younger self that warning, because I still remember the beating I received that day and the rice and cake really wasn’t worth the beating.

Still I hold the view that every experience in life’s journey makes us who we are today, every scar, every moment sums up who we have become today and for that we shouldn’t regret anything about our past, maybe, just maybe that lesson had to be learnt for us to become better versions of ourselves.


 2 years ago  

Wow, I have learned to appreciate my present no matter what I lost in the past, thank you Rookie 🥰

Chatterbox🤣, talkie talkie...you allowed your mouth to expose you, sorry for the beating shaa🤩

 2 years ago  

Heheh exactly what they called me
Talkie talkie 🤣🤣🤣🤣

 2 years ago  

Eya, sorry dear, I understand that kind of beating. But you learnt your lesson.

Nice entry dear.

 2 years ago  

Lmaaoo...How dare you disobey😂😂..Once your mom says "Stay inside"..it is over..."What Birthday"? Your heart must have skipped😂😂😂😂

 2 years ago  

Hehehehe I swear down
It was at that moment I realized I don fuck up 🤣🤣

 2 years ago  

😂 😂 😂
I have to say that I wasn't expecting that, but then I guess the beating must've really don the trick for you to still remember it now.. Kudos to your mom

 2 years ago  

Thank you

 2 years ago  

everything that happens now is destiny that we must accept, no need to regret about what happened in your past. just do the best for your future

 2 years ago  

Thanks for stopping by

 2 years ago  

don’t go for that party because the beating you would receive isn’t worth the rice and cake, you would eat many more rice and cakes in the future. Lol

This got me laughing lol

 2 years ago  

Hahahahaha it’s quite funny
Thanks for stopping by

I wished I never married too soon. But such a wish would be foolish too for that would mean that I won't have my three sons that give me more happiness than disappointment.

 2 years ago  

Awwwwww... you will be alright

I am just fine. I know we can't turn the clock and should appreciate what we have now. Just simply responding to the hypothetical scenario.

That is an interesting memory that you have. I don't know as though I could put my finger on any one thing that could be changed in ten minutes. Sure, there are some things here or there but they would cost me something else at a later point in my life and I am not sure that is worth it. I found this post on Listnerds.

 2 years ago  

Awwwn thank you for stopping by

Oh boy! I could say that about too many things in my life. But we are not supposed to have regrets. We are supposed to live our lives, make mistakes and learn from them. Easier said than done.
Your experience reminds of why I never skipped school when I was in high school. The penalty wasn't worth it. It wasn't a beating but if we got caught skipping we had to serve two hours of detention for every hour that we skipped of classes. Nope, I'll just go to class and be done with it. Sorry you had to go through that.

 2 years ago  

Awwwn thank you
I do believe our past are part of who we are we should carry every memory proudly ...

Thank you for stopping by

You're welcome, @reineesmay! Our scars and bumps and bruises are badges of honor. Saying that we showed up!
Enjoy your day!😀

We all have regret one way or another. The past is just that the past.What we do now reflects on our present. 10 minutes is a very short tine to make amends to those either we hurt or those that hurt us.

 2 years ago  

destiny speaks

 2 years ago  

Still I hold the view that every experience in life’s journey makes us who we are today, every scar, every moment sums up who we have become today and for that we shouldn’t regret anything about our past, maybe, just maybe that lesson had to be learnt for us to become better versions of ourselves.

This is exactly a great point about life and living. It doesn't matter if the choices we made in the past led well or not. Every incident of our lives is an event that helps sharpen us to who we are today.

 2 years ago  

Thanks Emmanuel for stopping by

 2 years ago  

You're most welcome

 2 years ago (edited) 

Still I hold the view that every experience in life’s journey makes us who we are today, every scar, every moment sums up who we have become today and for that we shouldn’t regret anything about our past, maybe, just maybe that lesson had to be learnt for us to become better versions of ourselves.

Is there any Africa who didn't 'chop' beating as a child? I'm yet to find one.
Meanwhile, this was a good read as always.

 2 years ago  

Thanks boo

 2 years ago  

You're most welcome.

Everybody has things they wish they didn't do. We are human and make mistakes. Learn from them and move on.

 2 years ago  

True so true

 2 years ago  Reveal Comment
 2 years ago  

Thanks a lot

 2 years ago  Reveal Comment