Craze of Video Games

in Hive Learners2 years ago (edited)

Once upon a time, I was a game addict. I would say almost every one of us had this great time in life, playing video games for hours. I must say that I am lucky to have personal experience of Saga games.

Photo by Ivan Rudoy on Unsplash

In 1990s, it was the first time I got Saga game console box with some of the disks from my parents as a gift. One of the best and most popular game: Super Mario, we play for hours to complete all the levels. We got warning from my mother to just play an hour a day or else this will be taken away from us. We didn’t know when this curiosity turns into addiction but it was ruining our small minds and effecting eyes. However, mother’s tuning really helps us to have time management and limited time for games. I still remember that feeling, it is like a drug addict. @shrazi we used to fight for it and often get beatings. At that age, control is really important which needs to be implemented through elders.

Photo by Anurag Sharma

Another game which we were addict of was Brian Lara 99, a cricket game on computer system. It was better in graphics than Saga games so slowly, slowly we moved completely on computer games and once again got addicted. Sometimes we were not allowed to play as a punishment which hurts a lot, more than a beating.

Image by Lucas Luquinhas from Pixabay

Counter Strike time: Worldwide famous online game, first for me. OMG! This is the most played game for me and @shrazi. Real addiction but then saved by my eldest bro, complaining to mother that such games of violence and terrorism are not good for mental health so, what would you expect now. It was slowly and steadily removed from our lives, credit goes to eldest bro.

Image by David Mark from Pixabay

The worst time I remember of myself as a game addict was in 2008-2009. I used to play Facebook poker for like day and night. It is so funny when I think of it, playing like crazy for fake money LOL and at times, when I lost all and no more coins left to play with, I think of buying to continue playing but luckily, didn’t actually bought and always stopped at the last moment of transactions LOL. This addiction is something which I would never want anyone to have, not at all good for health plus your behavior and attitude becomes very difficult to handle. Somehow, in a span of year, I figured it out that it is just waste of time and didn’t find any joy in playing so left all that.

Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

Then comes the era of PlayStation and the good news was, we were mature enough to play with discipline. Now, the same period was on my nephews. Playing secretly without permission of parents and then getting caught, after that censored… My eldest bro is very strict in this matter and allow kids to play only for limited time period. He also play games with his son in order to get time off from work or to relax.
In recent times, there are games which pays their players and have tournaments to win lots of $$$. I came to know regarding such games by @shrazi who also provided me the opportunity to be one of the lucky player to earn by playing Axie Infinity. He taught me how to play and it was awesome. Such a nice feeling and funny at the same time, no one would have thought of this that by playing online games, someone can earn real money. However, there are investment involved but I have earned a lot as a scholar only. Yes, it is true that interest level increases plus you have to be master of the game in order to earn more so you need to play more and more. I got so involved in the game that I didn’t get much sleep which effects my daily routine and at work as well.

Screenshot of my cellphone
WhatsApp Image 2022-07-01 at 2.12.20 AM.jpeg

I came to know through @shrazi that there are players who are playing this game from different accounts so it was so shocking for me that I am unable to handle a single account whereas there are people who are playing with multiple accounts, very difficult. This could lead to several diseases. Later on, axie infinity changed their playing criteria and it becomes hard to earn the same amount of money. I still play with same passion as I like to play this game in my free time. I am not addicted to it yet. But yes, there are people who got addicted because of money involved.

Concept art photo created by liuzishan -

As per my opinion, addiction is not good or you can say there is nothing like good or bad addiction. Addiction itself means a person becomes dependent on something which makes him/her weak and could lead to do anything in order to get the pleasure of doing it. Same as if a kid is playing a video game for an hour is ok but when he try to find ways in order to get more time to play games means he is getting addict, So, he lies, fight and do all worst things. Other example is mostly people say that addiction of reading is healthy. Well, for me it is a habit of reading but if it is excessive and turns into addiction, this could damage one internally and effect eye sight. This means anything which is not balanced or unlimited/excessive/too much route to addiction and is harmful in the end (my opinion). If we talk about science, they have referred to it as a brain disease LOL.

Game console psd created by Kerfin7 -

Most of the people are addicted to video games which is not good so even $$ gets involved in playing games, it won’t turn this addiction to good anyway. If you are addicted to a game so you would earn a lot of money or you can say for earnings, whatever the reason is, either way addiction is not good for health. It may look all good in the beginning but the after effects and consequences are never near to good.

 2 years ago  

Well said Fawad, I am curious how you said that much 😂 (just kidding)
You reminds me the past fun time as well... huh Counter-Strike 👮‍♀👮‍♀

and your Axie account holder is famous blogger Plus Splinterlands warrior here, @xawi is also GUILD OFFICER of #Neoxian city... and We are not much active on Discord you can join our chat at (element)

Keep blogging and have fun!

 2 years ago  

@shrazi reminds of exam day 😂 paper at 9 and playing CS till 8
wowo so cool, she is my manager of Axie infinity. I have shared the screenshot of her account 😁😁

 2 years ago  

wow I'm reminded of the super mario game, it was the first game I played in my life.

Btw, how is the fate of Axie infinity now?

 2 years ago  

@fery Great to hear that, it was total fun with Super Mario.....
Do not ask about Axie Infinity (watery-eyes) LOL
What I can say, it is a total disaster now but I still play as something is better than nothing.
I am playing Axie infinity classic as a scholar.

 2 years ago  

hehe hopefully there will be magic about that game. 😁👌

 2 years ago  

@fery hoping the same way and I wish the value increases in near future 😉😉😉

 2 years ago  

You have said well addiction can be harmful to the health thank you for sharing this !

 2 years ago  

@adeofficial Thank you for the nice comments. I have written what I felt and my opinion on the topic 😁😁😁😁

 2 years ago  

This are beautiful point and I think it's well explained because you were onced a victim of addiction.
The after effects of addiction is never good at all.
Thanks for sharing your story.

 2 years ago  

@goodysam Thank you for the appreciation! It feels good to know that my points were clear enough to understand. Cheers!!

 2 years ago  

Stay awesome 💃💃💃

Addiction of any kind is not good at all. It just puts people's lives on hold and makes them focus on that one thing.
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 2 years ago  

@bruno-kema Thank you for the guidance once again, took help from @dlmmqb & @shrazi and edited the post. Will use the same simple way to source pictures.

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