My Favorite Recipe With Creative-Sunday

in Hive Learners2 months ago

Welcome to my blog. I hope everyone is well. When I woke up in the morning, everything was washed due to the rain. I looked at my plants and their leaves looked quite fresh and washed. The weather was quite pleasant but after a few hours the sun came out very hot

If you remember, last Sunday I made a cute dog drawing that you guys really liked. I make recipes mostly on Sundays but last time I didn't have time because I have exams going on. This time also I decided to make such a recipe which takes less time and the recipe make also quite delicious. This recipe is my favorite and I eat it a lot

Edit From Inshot


  • Potatoes
  • Onion
  • Egg
  • Oil
  • Green Chili
  • Coriander
  • Salt
  • Red ground chilies
  • Ground black pepper


First we will take a medium sized onion and peel it and cut it finely. Then we will take two normal size potatoes and peel them well and cut them into the same size

Now we will put the chopped onion and potatoes in a pot and keep it on low flame. Then add three tablespoons of oil and cook it on low flame until potatoes are cooked well because onions cook faster than potatoes

Now we will take one egg and break it in a pot then add one tablespoon of red ground pepper and half tablespoon of salt and mix it well. Then we will take a green chili and wash it and cut it into small pieces and then add it to the egg and mix it well

When the onion and potatoes are cooked well, then we will add this chillies mixed egg and cook it for five minutes so that the egg and potatoes are cooked well. Cook this whole recipe on low flame otherwise onion may burn

Now add half a tablespoon of ground black pepper and fry it for a minute. Then take it off the stove. Now take the coriander and chop it and wash it and add it on the top and it was the last step of this recipe

Final Look

Here is the Video:

This recipe is very easy to make and can be made in less time. You must try it once and don't forget to let me. You can ask me any question related to this recipe in my comment section. My comment section is always open for you guys and I always reply

Thank you for Glancing on my blog and remember me always with best wishes✨

All Pictures are @sahi1

Connect to Discord: @sahi1

Made With Canva


Looking tasty!

 2 months ago  

Yes, It's quite tasty

The food looks so inviting and I'm sure it takes yummy. So easy to prepare.
Thanks for sharing.

 2 months ago  

It is really easy to make and can be made in less time and this dish is my favourite

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 2 months ago  

Kia ye Alo Andy Hy?? How uniquely you cook that. Well when next time I will cook inshallah use your recipe.

 2 months ago  

Yes, It's Alu Andy. I don't think this is a unique method 🙂 but if you cook any other way, you must try this method

 2 months ago  

Going through your post is making me very hungry,nice one ,thanks for sharing

 2 months ago  

So you should try it and enjoy its taste

 2 months ago  

You know it's my favorite too. Even in today's breakfast I had potatoes and egg in this way.

your post is nominated by @aniqa-k

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 2 months ago  

Yes, It's a food that is mostly eaten in the morning 🌞

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 2 months ago  

mujhy ye dekh k wo gana yaad aa gya, meri maa ny pakaye alu andy, main ni khany, menu lagdy ny gandy. main ty khawan ga chicken di boti, udy nal khameeri roti. suna hai ye gana? baki achy bnaye hain alu andy. achy lg rahy hain

 2 months ago  

Main na ya gana Nahi Suna 🤣 Lakin Abi ap Sa sun Liya ha 😅
Thanks for liking my Alu Andy 🙂