Factors I Consider When Making A Choice

in Hive Learners4 months ago

Original Image Source: Natan Cowley- Pexels

Regardless of who we are and where we are at life, decision-making was and will always be an integral part of our life. From the simplest task of choosing what food to eat for lunch to a marketing plan that could decide the fall or success of a company, people needs to make a decision no matter how tough it is otherwise, nothing can be accomplished. Sometimes, we can make a decision as easy as breathing and there are times where it took a lot of energy to made a single choice as if the fate of the world depends on us. Even after this, we can't really know whether we made the right decision or made a bad call until we know the result of our choice. All we can do was to learn from the results to guide us for the decisions that we will made in the future. In this post, I will layout the my decision-making process that helps me to guide me in coming up with the best result based on my experience.

  • Have a clear understanding of the issue at hand. - I made sure to know the issue and to gather the necessary information first before I make a decision like when choosing what food to buy. The clear issue here was what food to buy and the information we need to come up with the decision was the price of the food in the menu which will tell us whether we have the money to buy the food or not.

  • List all of the possible options. - Having a clear idea of the issue, the next step I partake is to know what are my options and analyze each to know their prons and cons such when I was about to go home from my work and the available options for me is to either ride using a taxi or with a bus. Riding a taxi may allow me for a comfortable and more faster ride but it will cost me tons of money unlike riding a bus that took a lot of stops to load and unload people and I need to share the seat with other passengers. In such case I usually ride on bus, giving up my comport because it will save me money.

  • Ask for suggestions. - Whether it was a decision for ourselves or a decision that involves others, asking people for advice was never a bad thing as they might give a different perspective that I have failed to consider like when I was looking for a college to study near my place, I have asked advice from my advisers where to study based on the quality of education and affordability and they refer me to a good college (though due to a fatal mistake of missing the date of the entrance exam, I ended up with an average college 😅).

  • Be held accountable for your decisions. - Regardless of the result that comes with the decisions that we made, do not make excuse and always take responsibility for it and never blame other people for it. They might have played a part with our choice but at the end it was still us that made the decision like when my friends invite me for a drink, it was me who decided to accept their invitation even when I know that might share the expenses for the drinks, throw up what I eat and have a headache that would last till the next day.

Decision Duration and Coping when results are Undesirable

For how long I make a decision, it really depends to the situation. There are times that I already made my choice the point that I know of the issue while there are times that it took me hours or even days to made a choice.

When it comes to coping when making a bad decision, instead of being disappointed over it, I look for the things that have gone wrong and think what I could have done better. It's not as if getting sad over it will change the result of our decisions so instead take this as a learning experience to help us grow and be able to make better decisions in the future.

That was it for this post. Thank you for reading my post and see you at the next one.

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 4 months ago  

that's good saydie. keep riding that bus so u can buy more btc !

 4 months ago  

will be allotted for house renovations though. Needs another room where I can do workout and keep my equipment's.

 4 months ago  

oh wow saydie u gonna have a gym room lets go. then u dont plan on investing more before we see the run up?

 4 months ago  

It is very important to list down everything.

It will help a lot and make the process faster

 4 months ago  

we can make better decisions by listing the options and what can produce the best results.

 4 months ago  

These are very important steps to put into consideration before making a decision.
I love the part of getting much knowledge about the issues on ground

 4 months ago  

knowing things before making a decision can always help in many situations.

 4 months ago  

I love all the steps you have written and the most catchy for me is "listing all possible options".