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in Hive Learnerslast month

In our world today, especially in most Africa countries, it is seen that most people just give birth to children without considering whether or not they can take care of them.

this is kind of sad. please do not let this continue. Having a child should be a serious topic not something so casual to not even consider taking care of them. if they want to have fun just use protection omg O.O if a baby happens well usually we call that a miracle baby.

Hopefully things change in your country~

It’s going to be hard not to expect that from them and that is why I want to be ready as much as I can first before having them.

This is good too. I plan to work hard and take care of all my future things like funeral payments etc beforehand. gotta invest too and make sure im good to go until i die

 last month  

It’s actually very sad because I only spoke about it on a general level but I’ve literally see how children suffer so much because their parents were not really ready to bring them to this world. I hope not to make the same mistake and I’m trying to do that every single day because just like you said, it’s not something we should joke with in anyway.

Thank you so much for your beautiful contribution, it’s a pleasure having you stop by 🤗

 last month  

general level o.o ya you didn't go too deep on it but it's still sad. Is it due to carelessness. do they not teach sexed in your country? they don't know how babies are made o.o adn how expensive it is to raise one x.x. I'm same as u ahha im not ready not financially capable now so no plans to have a kid o.o

you're welcome have a great weekend hope

 last month  

They do teach about it but so many people just choose to ignore it it I guess.

 last month  

ooops. that's not good then only thing you can do is educate your children to not go down that path?

 last month  

Yes! That’s the only thing 🥰

 last month  

good haha

 last month  

Yep 😁