Financial Freedom Journey: The Importance of Transformation (Part 1)

in Hive Learnerslast month

I always see financial freedom as a destination and financial management is a journey that everyone must partake in before eventually becoming financially free. This concept is a natural principle of life. One cannot attain financial freedom if all s/he does is spend all the money he earns or more than what he earns.

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Financial freedom stems from the concept of abundance, where your income exceeds your expenses. Achieving this requires good financial management, which is unattainable for those with poor financial habits. Although financial management is not the only factor in financial freedom, I will say it is one of the paths one has to take.

This will be a post-series series in which I will discuss the paths, which I will like to call factors, that lead to financial freedom. You will learn the concepts of transformation, trade, credibility, education, opportunities, investment, and action that are required to be ruthless in order to arrive at the destination of financial freedom.

In this post, we will discuss the concept of transformation.

The Concept Of Transformation

The transformation of a man begins with his mindset, how he sees the world, his perspective on life and how he is willing to see the world from different angles. The way the poor see the world is different from the way the rich see it. A man will remain poor if his mindset about himself and things around him is negative; hence, he attracts negativity to himself.

Whatever a man thinks, so he is

This is a very true concept stated in the Bible: a man's thoughts define his life. So it is definitely true when I say, Everything that happens to you depends on who you are, and what are you? You are what you think.

Your life depends on who you are, not what you are. If you refuse to let your mindset be transformed, no matter what position you are placed or the amount of money you are given, you will remain poor because your mind has not been purged of thoughts of negativity. Thoughts are magnets, and they attract things to you.

Hence, you should note that positive thinking attracts positive outcomes, no matter how difficult the situation may be. A positive state of mind will always strive in any compromising and difficult situation.

Aside from positive thinking, we should learn to always say positive things in our lives too. Our words come with power; this is why acclamations are advised. When you say positive things about your life and the situations around you, you speak them to existence and we humans were created with the secret ability to take control of our lives in this way.

In the beginning, before creation, God commanded: Let there be light. Before God made the command "let there be light," they were first thoughts, and he spoke the word to existence. We were all created in the image and likeness of God, and this means that we all have the inherent ability to transform our lives through our thoughts and our words.

If you can take a moment to think about your life, you will notice that there have been cases in your life where things have happened to you as a result of thinking and talking about it consistently. You now know why thoughts and words are so important to your transformation.

In my next post, I will discuss the topic "Practice the Law of Trade" as a path/factor that leads to financial freedom.


The most powerful muscle on our body and the most difficult one to dominate, everything about our success depends on our mindset for example just a few days all there was on Hive was how poor of a bull market this is to previous ones and when I look at the charts from lows of the bear market Bitcoin did 300+% on 2024 rather than the 200+% on 2020 but its ppl mind that dont let them zoom out and realize this is just the beginning of the bull market , everything is up there 🧠💯✌️

Wow, seriously, bitcoin had done 300+% already...Hopefully, Hive will move greatly along in this bull market. I do not have any bitcoin holdings.

So true, A man begins to change once he has a mindset shift. Our thoughts are powerful, just like the prodigal son in the Bible, when he was done suffering, the only thing that led him to going back to his father's house was his thoughts.
That is why it is very important to be mindful of our thoughts because our of it manifestation begins

True words: out of our mindset, manifestation begins.

thanks for contributing to my post with your wonderful comment

 last month  

The tongue is very powerful. What we say means a lot so we gotta be careful of the things we say
Thanks for the amazing write up!

 last month  

transform gifted hands. show us your power O.O. you are proof. i knew it all your posts always pointing that u are a whale

don't worry.. I am walking towards becoming a whale. Don't be surprised when I buy 1 million Hive and then stake it.

 last month  

o.o do it i want to see that u buy 1 million olol