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RE: How To Use Psychology To Grow On Hive

in Hive Learners • 2 years ago

Brother! I am wondering where you get inspiration to your content. You come with the heat! Hot hot 🔥🔥🔥 backed with true contents!

I agree with your colors and attractiveness of your blog. If you have a good presentation of your blog, people are likely to come by and check you out.

Yeah headlines does a good work too! Keeping it short and interactive. Making it catchy as well. Let me add that, the first paragraph of the content matters.

I don’t like opening a post and I am seeing hello, how are you doing, I hope you have been well. You understand all those kind of things, it creeps me. It makes me literally skim the blog at that instance.

 2 years ago  

LMAO. Hot hot. xD My inspiration is generally people who are wondering like I used to do in my initial days. Gotta help others by sharing whatever worked for me.

I don’t like opening a post and I am seeing hello, how are you doing, I hope you have been well. You understand all those kind of things, it creeps me.

LMAO. When you overdo something, it starts to suck for sure. I totally get your point mate. The first sentence should be a great hook and not "How are you doing?" xD Nobody has time to reach the usual stuff.