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RE: Entering the hive as a newbie

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Engaging is great fun, but I have a three strikes and you are out rule. If I have commented on three posts from the same author without a reply, then they are struck off my engagement list.
Popped in via dreemport and you are always a star!

 2 years ago  

Wow this rule seems interesting to me🤩 honestly should I go for it lol this will save me for making deserving comments only 😂 attention to those who merit it hehehe. I am a star 🥰❤ this means a lot to me.

hehe the rule I like it, it means that I can spend more time engaging with people who are worth engaging with and more often than not are far more interesting anyway!
Yes you are a star hehe now enjoy your Wednesday:)

 2 years ago  

Hehe honestly @tengolotodo I didn't knew its Wednesday 🥺😲😬 the work-oriented me doesn't remember the days of - weak now 🙂😁
Hehe as I am a star I can see you hiding behind the moon. 😍🤩