Every process definitely takes time and patience

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Good evening friends, especially for all hive platform users, may we all always be given a healthy body, healthy mind so that everything we dream of can be achieved smoothly. As for this opportunity, I would like to write a little about each process which requires high patience with my version of thinking, hopefully on this occasion I can write something interesting and I will try to write as much as possible. as much as I can, hopefully there is a positive side that we can share every day.

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Basically, we live in this modern era, of course we need a long process to be able to adjust to the surrounding conditions. Do not ever protest against the process because everyone's process is different. Some don't need a lot of processes to move smoothly forward. There are also those who even have to go through various processes of life's twists and turns so that in the end they get an achievement. Have faith and instill it in us, every thing requires a process and every process requires a high level of patience and patience must also be accompanied by hard work that is not easy to give up.

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We must have played with the arrangement of pictures? that has been mixed and our task of collecting pieces of paper to form a real image must really require high concentration and a very difficult process to complete it. Likewise, we must often see the process of a small child growing up, from not being able to speak to being able to run and laugh like an adult, of course, he goes through a very big process of ups and downs, so that he is able to find his true identity. Likewise in other things, everything we do must have to go through a process, it's just that we don't know whether our process is long or fast, what is clear is that patience is the key to everything, in everything we will definitely get the highest point in life.

That's the little I can write on this occasion. And in the future I will try the topics suggested in the discord chat. and I will try my best for something valuable


For us to do anything and succeed, especially if it must be done in the right way, then there must be a process to it. Any other way will only bring trouble.
Thank you for sharing this with us.

 2 years ago  

I agree with you. thank you for visiting my post.