Happiness is Simple Friend

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Good evening friends, especially for all hive platform users, may we all always be given a healthy body, healthy mind so that everything we dream of can be achieved smoothly, As for this short opportunity, I will write a few ways to make everyone happy, For me personally this is very interesting because without us realizing it, the smallest things we do will make us happy.

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Before we try to make other people happy, we must first be able to make ourselves happy, because that is the basic concept in being happy, there are many contexts that are included in being happy, one of which is that you must have friends and one of our friends when we gather in our less happy state as a friend will try to entertain with some jokes so that he comes back happy and happy, Not only when we are successful we can be happy because not everyone who is successful will be happy but happy people will definitely get success.

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Childhood where when it rains we will definitely go out of the house to play in the rain that is also happy, especially with some friends, because basically happiness is very simple, happy to get the partner we want, happy to be able to spend time with friends, happy when you see a successful friend, isn't it very simple? Don't ever burden your mind to think about being happy because without us realizing what we are doing will definitely make people happy, continue to have a positive impact on friends around you, be a motivation for success, friends, and even though we haven't been successful, we must be happy. Don't ever waste an opportunity while still on our side.

That's my little writing about being happy, it's simple, don't think it's too hard to be happy because it will only waste your time, use the time to think about things that really need to be in your mind. Because happiness is very simple depending on how we are grateful for it. best regards as writer@vikar