Weekly Featured Contents Week 02:- Edition 02: " A Traditional Wedding Ceremony ( ACEH) "

in Hive Learners3 years ago (edited)

Good morning to all, best wishes to all of us, May we always be given health and always be given success, today I will try again to participate in the Weekly Featured Content Sunday 02:- Edition 02:- namely Traditional Wedding Ceremony


Although white marriages and court marriages are practiced the same all over the world, traditional marriages are different for everyone. Tell us how it is done in your tribe. We want to know.

Traditional wedding ceremony, this is a very interesting title where we will see various kinds of wedding ceremonies originating from various ethnic groups, including Indonesia itself is a country that has various ethnic groups. , and I myself come from aceh so this time I will share a traditional wedding ceremony ( ACEH ) ❤


As we know marriage is something that everyone, both men and women have been waiting for, after a long relationship in a dating status and will continue to a more serious level, namely marriage even the whole world is the same, because marriage is the most historic moment in his life that is only done once in a lifetime. No one wants his wedding to be held twice, so it's no wonder that when the wedding reception was held the event was so luxurious because he wanted to finally give up his single life with a luxury that he would never experience a second time.

Before getting married, there are several stages and processions of traditional Acehnese weddings that must be carried out by every man and woman who wants to get married, including the following.

Jak Keumalen / (FIANCÉ)

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The Kemalen / Fiance process is a process after the bride and groom have agreed to proceed to a more serious level but are still constrained by various problems, therefore usually the woman asks for clarity to her lover, namely by asking for a definite bond. In this process usually several village officials and the male family come first to clarify the status of the two, then ask how much dowry must be prepared to be able to marry the woman.

Then usually the mother of the man puts a ring 💍 a sign of bonding and seriousness on the woman's finger, like my experience after the engagement process, 1 year after the process, the marriage process will only be carried out, but in this case it depends on the agreement between the two at that time. In this case, there are no special obligations and customs that require the engagement process to be carried out before the marriage can be carried out, it all depends on the conditions in the area.


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The wedding process may not be much different from what is done in other areas, namely at the KUA office, at the bride's house and at the mosque. For the clothes to be worn, there is no special obligation, but usually many wear white clothes, black pants and wear a cap, the most important thing is to make a marriage vow so that both are legal according to customs and the state.

Intat Linto & Intat Dara Baro

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Intat Linto (the groom) is one of the traditions or customs that exist in aceh, where during this process Linto (the groom) wears traditional Acehnese clothes, then brings some offerings in the form of a typical cake Aceh, sugar cane, young coconuts, and newly grown coconut trees are then made in the most unique shapes to make them look more special.


Then provided a variety of food menus that have been served to invited guests.

  • INTAT DARA BARO (the bride) after the Intat Linto process takes place 1 day after that the Intat Dara Baro process is carried out, the difference between the two is when The Intat Dara Baro process takes only cakes but excluding coconut, sugar cane and others.

Here I want to share some photos that I took during a wedding reception at my friend's house




Thank you for always supporting me and I look forward to comments from all of my friends so that I can continue to grow every day

Best regards as the author of @vikar
 3 years ago  

you explain regularly, it's very good, they outsiders can easily understand your explanation my brother 👏

 3 years ago  

Thank you brother, move faster hehe. I look forward to your content on this

 3 years ago  

unfortunately we come from the same area,😄
I'm a little confused to make a slightly different description to make it look more interesting, but still, you are my role model.

 3 years ago  

I'm sure you can be my role model you can share something more interesting🤩

 3 years ago  

Wow, the marriage process looks really good and also fun, good job @vikar.

 3 years ago  

Thank you guys this is so much fun

 3 years ago  

Yeah, it really looks like lots of fun.

 3 years ago  

sure so 😍

 3 years ago  

Your marriage stages are simple and nice. Seriously, your traditional wedding dress is beautiful

 3 years ago  

Thank you very much, I'm happy if you find the beauty of this dress

 3 years ago  

I love the attire, different traditional weddings in different countries

 3 years ago  

Thank you, Yes like that there are various kinds of clothes that differ from country to country

 3 years ago  

This has some similarities with Indian marriage..I've watched a lot of it in movies. It's usually very colourful. Although this one seems quite simple without a lot of processes.

 3 years ago  

You can say that, there are several processes that are almost the same as India, but surely every region has differences

 3 years ago  

Really awesome post 🤗
I learned a lot about your Traditional Wedding Ceremony😍
Thanks for sharing such a brilliant post 📯

 3 years ago  

thanks brothers 🥰😍😍

 3 years ago  

It has to be the greatest post on this contest edition
It is so great
Beautiful to see

 3 years ago  

Thank you friend, you did your best too

wow... Getting married in your area seems like a long process, but is is full of fun and enjoyment.
There is nothing quite like being married to the person you love according to the laws of the land and of the state.
It gives one peace of mind.
Thank you for sharing this with us.

 3 years ago  

I agree with you, there is no more beautiful choice than to marry the lover we love, especially if it can be done with such a big event because it is once in a lifetime.

 3 years ago  

Nice buddy, we have a common culture and you explained it in detail. 👍

 3 years ago  

you explain in more detail my friend hehe. keep saying and show the culture in our area

 3 years ago  

Keep up the spirit. 👍

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 3 years ago  

Magnificent celebrations, as well as explanations of cultural events that are very detailed, making it very easy to understand. As an Acehnese, I am very proud that this custom is still well preserved.

 3 years ago  

Thank you friend. we have to maintain the customs that exist in our area

 3 years ago  

Thank you friend. we have to maintain our customs so that they can be recognized by foreign countries

 3 years ago  

Wow! The way of traditional marriage ceremony in Indonesia is very royal and colourful.
Thanks for sharing with us!

Your wedding rituals are the best. I have never seen such wonderful customs and traditions. Love the way you explained. Thank you so much for enjoying the whole community, including me.

 3 years ago  

thanks brothers

 3 years ago  

This is really a different culture entirely from what we have here, but it's an awesome one ... And the marriage is truly colorful, that's what got me. Your pictures are awesome and with high quality capture

My greetings to the people of Indonesia, I hope to attend one of their marriage ceremony

 3 years ago  

Greetings back from Indonesia to your country. I hope you can attend the event in person so you can enjoy this beauty firsthand

 3 years ago  

I sure will attend in person
Thanks for the exposure 😇

 3 years ago  

Nice write up dear friend. very understandable.
I enjoy reading through this. their attires are very nice.

 3 years ago  

Thank you, friend, you are amazing.