yahia-lababidi cross-posted this post in Hive Learners 3 years ago

Meditating on Transformation

in OCD3 years ago

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Beyond a certain point there is no return. This point has to be reached.

  • Kafka

I respect the courage and commitment it takes to give up one's old life,
make a leap & dare to transform oneself.

I believe this has something to do with reaching the end of our ego--meaning the conversion experience--conversion in the broad sense of the word--which is to say: dying to one type of life and being (re)born into another.

This is what this short poem of mine is about, which I'm reading as part of an upcoming festival organized by the Charter for Compassion.

If the poem appeals to you and you'd like to learn more about my new book where it can be found, I invite you to check out this video trailer

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