While You Are Yet Alive

in Hive Learners2 years ago

The thought of life and that someday we will all exit this world should put us in the right frame of mind and help us checkmate our lives and our deeds once more.
The truth remains that no one knows when he or she will exit the world and it is only left for one to live their best while they are still alive and still has a chance of doing what is right or better still, making their individual choices.

This article is not about death per we but come to think of it, lately, young and even old people have been dying. The rate is alarming that it calls for so much pondering and rethinking.
Recently as I mentioned in one of my articles about a prominent man of God who just passed away and the funeral service is coming up very soon.


We spoke of the arrangement and his sudden death once again today and one of my friends seemed less concerned or bothered if I should put it right. And knowing too well that death to her is a normal thing and doesn't raise much alarm to her (perhaps because of the things she has experienced so far and the people death snatched from her) so to her it's more or less a normal thing, and yes like she has always said that someday we all will exit this world. So what's the point of brooding over something or someone that has passed on to the other world?

And I take it from here, there really isn't much to think of or brood over, though it hurt as people lose their loved ones daily, but life doesn't end with one or two lost loved ones. Yes, we cry, we mourn but after a while, everything goes back to normal and it is left for the living to try their possible best to live well while they still got the chance.


Still your baby girl ;)

To my faithful readers and wonderful sponsors, my heart goes out to you guys. Thank you for making my journey here a fun-filled and exciting one. Thanks for trusting and supporting my work too. I pray that God bless you all real good :)

            17 March 2022


 2 years ago  

While I am yet alive...I want to live an amazing life...one that I would be very proud of
Extremely proud

 2 years ago  

That is good!
I believe you can make your life great while you still got a chance.

 2 years ago  

Who is your photographer, I would like to borrow him indefinitely.

Thinking about death is really scary for a lot of folks...

Yet it's the one thing we all most face.

Having that in mind helps us make everyday count...

Thanks for reminding us.

 2 years ago  

My photographer? Why? Lol
Yes, you have said it too.
Thanks for stopping by