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RE: flowers, streetphoto and new lens

I have a theory that there is a direct correlation between lens quality and weight. My camera bag has become ridiculously heavy since I bought my second hand telephoto. But I don't carry my bag around for more than 2 or 3 hours, so it's just about manageable. A longer photo outing would require choices about which lens to leave at home, which would give me FOMO, as the lens I left at home would undoubtedly be the lens that I would end up wanting to use. :)

Hope the moving goes smoothly, and that you get chance to use your lens some more soon!


as the lens I left at home would undoubtedly be the lens that I would end up wanting to use. :)

ha! thats definitely one of the patterns how it all works. (perhaps just a consequence of Murphy's laws).

you might be right in the weight observations. for years I was a happy user of 50mm lens, it was my only lens except the shitty Canon kit 18-55mm, and know what? 1st I obtained cheap 1.8 version, that obtained more expensive 1.4 version, and later changed it to Sigma 1.4 version which I use nowadays, I cant take the picture but.... the difference would be very noticeable - and it fully confirms your observations!


Ofc I would love to have the newest version of this lens from Sigma (so-called 'Art series' edition), but frankly speaking I'm afraid: it is WEIGHTY....815 g! probably its a studio-only solution...

this evolution ... makes me feel conflicted. I really love 'fix-focus' lens and their quality, but over time, since more lenses were added to my arsenal .... I began to love the price / quality ratio more and more.

Haha! I am a Nikon shooter, so am not familiar with Canon lenses. However, I am guessing that the beast on the right is both expensive and heavy! 😆

and I almost forgot -- now is a luch time, so here is a little !PIZZA for you ☺️🍕🍕

It's now breakfast time here, and !PIZZA tastes good at any time of the day!