flowers, streetphoto and new lens

in Always a Flower2 years ago

wednesday walk at St.Petersburg

This was a post for #WednesdayWalk challenge by @tattoodjay. And since it turned out that it consist for 2/3 of flowers, I share it to this community. And maybe even its my 1st post here, I dont remember exactly.

So, this walk was mostly about the flowers, and a little doze of #streetphoto. Actually, I was testing my new telephoto lens I obtained at the second-hand market, and besides that I was cycling, i.e. did not have my hands free... anyway, a memorable walk!


Blue, err, cuties, not meanies! One of the most touchy may-june flowers, especially for those who choose 'Napoly blue' as their fave colour.


A beautiful orchid.

And daffodils.


I met the first bumblebee...


Which at first grazed for a long time in the thickets of petunias, and then sat down on the ground - it was a real clearing among the flower jungle! - and cleaned its paws for a long time. Posed me carefully, such a good fellow! However, this time my camera was not equipped with the macro lens...


But it's a good thing to test, I need to understand what things I can shoot with this lens and what I can't.

It was the centerpiece of the story; cycling down the street, I stumbled upon a huge flower bed, parked my bike, unholstered the camera and spent a quarter of an hour testing out on the flowers my new lens.

As for the end of this story... the last notable meeting of that day happened when I returned to my place, in the yards, I met this pigeon...


...who encountered quite a rare and valuable gift: almost intact ear of corn thrown into a trash. The dove gave himself a real feast! I think it made a really nice diversity in his menu; such a pity that I didn't come across this scene earlier - it would have been perfect for a #SMAP contest held by @nelinoeva. One of the rounds had this prompt, "Birds and Vegetables" - but I skipped it because had no suitable photos.... Corn would fit perfectly!

And here is how the story began.

I rode my bike to the city center, met the salesperson and bought this telephoto lens. Experienced photographers, I think, will recognize it by its characteristic wardrobe trunk.


Yes, this is the famous 70-200mm, and I will probably tell about our acquaintance and my impressions in more detail in another community. But words cannot be thrown out of the song, and my walk and the whole subsequent photo session was provoked by this particular lens.


It is heavy, fast-focusing and... long-range. The lens is sharp-sighted in same way, as this local yard cat overseer..


Of course, this lens is not designed to photograph beautiful flowers ... (but it did a good job of this task too!). This is an expensive toy, and I bought it to indulge in street photography, photograph people and city life - and do it from afar, remaining unnoticed.


And of course it was the first one I tried. Below - a few photos taken offhand, quickly, I didn't let the AI of the camera think about focusing for a long time, and I didn't think about building the frame for a long time. With its task - to quickly give a clear result - the lens coped, I give it 5 out of 5 points!


No eye contact. Sadly.


A three-dog-lady... Perhaps I should stop here. I have a lot of street shots from this session, and they are not very valuable. What do you want from test shots! Finally, a little more tulip beauty.


Thanks for walking with me, see you next time!


location: St.Petersburg, Russia May 2022 natural light
camera/lens: Canon 5D 70-200mm raw-conv


All images taken by me, copyright (c) @qwerrie
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Oh, this lens is fantastic, the shots are sharp and I can imagine how much you will enjoy it. 🙂
Thank you for tagging me and suggesting a theme for the #SMaP.

Wait, this topic already passed, as I slightly remember... (or was it birds and fruits?.. )
This lens is super indeed, you may change from 70 to 200, i.e. change between a close-up or 'all in one' frame, and the main thing is: auto focus is very reliable and fast, great for the fast capturing of any scene. but it is damn heavy -- 1.3 kg.... ehehe. still very enjoyable 😎 a !BEER? 🍻

We had birds and fruit before. I have to find a photo with some veggies now. 😀
The lens is super cool. I had no idea how heavy it is. But I guess it has picture stabilizer.

Neli, no. there are two versions for this lens (1st without image stab, 2nd with said stab). I obtained the 1st, as it was cheaper. the stab version is not approachable for me, simply out of the question :P
off to work, cheers!!

Hey @nelinoeva, here is a little bit of BEER from @qwerrie for you. Enjoy it!

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Hey @nelinoeva, here is a little bit of BEER from @qwerrie for you. Enjoy it!

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Семирукий восьмичлен :)
Сразу несколько тем, новый объектив на тесте, да еще и на велике!
Фотки классные.
я так понимаю, что объектив Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L USM? На М-видео новый стоит 100к со скидками.
светосила хорошая! но постоянная. вот это плохо или хорошо, что постоянная в этом случае?

да велик плохо сочетается с фотографированием. вообще никак не сочетается, на самом деле. поэтому то что ухитрился, это была просто special mission, запарковался, поставил его на замок, и чуток пофоткал. а так, даже ведя его на поводу за руль, хрен поснимаешь. или одно, или другое.
стеклышкл - есть две версии этого объектива, не говоря про то что есть еще 70-200 со светосилой 4 (тот покомпактнее и легче, но это вообще другое стекло, гораздо хуже и дешевле). так вот, из двух версий, у меня первая. вторая отличается тем что имеет оптический стабилизатор - и для меня вообще неподъемная по цене. я и этот то еле осилил... купил, в общем, не с доходов от криптовалюты, а просто потому что деньги сгорают в инфляции. пусть лучше лежат в виде объектива, чем просто так размываются. эх.

постоянная светосила - хорошо. чего ж тут плохого? главное, что она нормальная, эта сила, не низкая. я привык к светосильным стеклам и не очень-то хочу пользоваться вариантами со светосилой 4, не говоря уж о 5.6 (это у моего телевика на 300мм такая.. ужасно!) - к хорошему привыкаешь!

The photos of the tulips are beautiful and definitely my favourite of the flowers you captured here. Thanks for sharing your love of photography with us.

Looks like the lens was a great addition to your toys @qwerrie. It’s great to capture street life from afar without really being noticed.
The quick shots look truly impressive! Looking forward to more interesting captures 😎
Pretty flowers, always nice to see.
Have a wonderful day today 👋🏻☀️💃🏻

I have a great sunny day...... full of office activities xD (unfortunately). same to you! 🙏

Thank you @qwerrie 😁
Still can be a great day 😇 especially when the sun is out. ☀️ But I understand you would rather be out and about. 😉

beautiful flowers and great street shots, that lens is great for street photographer being able to take photos of people from a distance and mostly without them even knowing

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :), I truly enjoy exploring the world virtually each Wednesday seeing walks from all around the globe and feeling I am there and experiencing it all myself, such as I did in your post just now :)

lens is great for street photographer being able to take photos of people from a distance and mostly without them even knowing

yes, exactly so -- I've got the tool I needed for so long, haha. 'dream of an idiot came true' ))))
so, more streetphoto from St-Petersb. will arrive!

Awesome, when walking around NYC I used a 24-240 Lens, but still didnt feel that comfortable taking photos of people its something I need to get over

I am waiting for a new Tamron Lens to become available and to have saved up enough, its a 30-150 F2/2.8 which would be great for street photography

wow, 30-150 F2/2.8 ?.. might be not cheap. looks very very solid and promising.
I was shooting with Tamron macro 60mm for half a year, and I must say I enjoyed their quality (and design), some of their stuff is level A. wish you grab this toy sooner than later!

I have the tamron 17-28 F2.8 and 28-70 F2.8 and love them they are my lens I use the most
I have a sony 24-240 wwhich I fell and damaged a little it still works so sometimes I feel its not so sharp, so if I can save up enough the 30-150 would be a good fit and I may drop the 24-240 if I need more than 150 I have the 200-600 although it is a beast

Ohh yeah not cheap $1900 for the 30-150

amazing, astonishing, refreshing price hehe.
I am quite poor, with my job and the life levels flushing down I can afford anything about the 1/10, hardly 1/5 of that money amount..

as for the 200-600mm -- do you post anything shot by the beast? birdies?.. frankly I dont remember any close-ups like that from you.

OHh yeah will take me a while to save up enough for that lens, unless I sell some prints or Hive goes sky high LOL

I have shared a few shots taken with that lens, a couple of the hawk in my Wednesday Walk post, and the seagulls in this post

ps. but we have to have dreams, right? and have to fulfill some of them. this one (70-200) was one of them, for a long time. so..... I just had to! 🤩

Ohh yes always good to have dreams, and the 70-200 is an impressive lens from what I have read and from what you have shown us

Nice use of a new lens! New lenses like that are always fun. I'm sure you'll have fun with it!

thanki! I promise to shoot a lot of cool pics (and share them here), it will not keep dust in the closet xD

a !BEER?

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Congratulations on your new lens @qwerrie!! I hope that you have many happy camera outings with it. :)


thank you, I am sure it will not be my fave and everyday one (1.3 kg is too myuch for this!) but it is an exceptional tool in the arsenal for #streetphoto, and thus it was a dream, now I nailed it; minus one entry in the list. happy to celebrate it with !PIZZA and more walks. sadly I have a dense curriculum right now for the walks... have to help my family to move to the summer house for the vacays etc etc....

I have a theory that there is a direct correlation between lens quality and weight. My camera bag has become ridiculously heavy since I bought my second hand telephoto. But I don't carry my bag around for more than 2 or 3 hours, so it's just about manageable. A longer photo outing would require choices about which lens to leave at home, which would give me FOMO, as the lens I left at home would undoubtedly be the lens that I would end up wanting to use. :)

Hope the moving goes smoothly, and that you get chance to use your lens some more soon!

as the lens I left at home would undoubtedly be the lens that I would end up wanting to use. :)

ha! thats definitely one of the patterns how it all works. (perhaps just a consequence of Murphy's laws).

you might be right in the weight observations. for years I was a happy user of 50mm lens, it was my only lens except the shitty Canon kit 18-55mm, and know what? 1st I obtained cheap 1.8 version, that obtained more expensive 1.4 version, and later changed it to Sigma 1.4 version which I use nowadays, I cant take the picture but.... the difference would be very noticeable - and it fully confirms your observations!


Ofc I would love to have the newest version of this lens from Sigma (so-called 'Art series' edition), but frankly speaking I'm afraid: it is WEIGHTY....815 g! probably its a studio-only solution...

this evolution ... makes me feel conflicted. I really love 'fix-focus' lens and their quality, but over time, since more lenses were added to my arsenal .... I began to love the price / quality ratio more and more.

Haha! I am a Nikon shooter, so am not familiar with Canon lenses. However, I am guessing that the beast on the right is both expensive and heavy! 😆

and I almost forgot -- now is a luch time, so here is a little !PIZZA for you ☺️🍕🍕

It's now breakfast time here, and !PIZZA tastes good at any time of the day!