▶️ A look at the scene here in the Okanagan region of British Columbia, with politicized wildfires, drought, all-time record-breaking heat, power outages, and heavy smoke. The news says get ready to flee with your valuables.

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More info on the current situation here.
"Prepare to leave at a moments notice, maybe you're never going back to your home."
This is not good bro.. You do a really good job pushing forward no matter what obstacles you face, you just don't give up, and I admire how you are able to face all of this while maintaining realism and sanity.
In the US we're being called terrorists by Homeland Security for simply not agreeing with Covid narrative.
I might be leaving soon too, I'm not sure I have a choice..
I've been in this state of shock almost .. trying to process the fact that my gov is calling me a terrorist now.
I'm over here trying to catch up on posts and been doing real bad managing my VP, so I might lag catching up but trying to make sure I get all your posts and had to just turn off autos and let this thing recharge.
Stat strong man.
I appreciate the moral support! Katie and I don't get a lot of it. It's very weird, because I consider her a very high quality person, somebody anyone would be lucky to have as a friend. She feels that way about me. But we have essentially no family with our backs. The isolation (even though we go for walks in the community, and chit chat with store clerks for a couple minutes) is pretty intense.
I can't make it across the border unless we get a lot more freedom than we have right now (either a return to the 1990s way of life, or a mad max scenario). Or maybe if there's a Southerly border caravan? But realistically, I have the wife and baby, and I'm not as able as I used to be, so even if I could get across the border, the nomadic lifestyle isn't likely for me. I need to find somewhere safe for this little family. That said, if you're ever able to get up here, either on official vacation, or because of some unforeseen coming increase in freedom, then you're welcome with me! I can't offer much, but if you need a safe place, you got it, and/or maybe we could set out into the new wild west and build a farming community together. Who knows? Gotta keep hoping there are good possibilities for us out there, and be ready to seize them when they arise.
A master gardener has a place in his tribe no matter how able bodied he is, the knowledge and wisdom you obtain is not common, and is highly valuable in a way that really matters.
I'm pretty limited with my connection to real life people and family as well and find current day normal people as very unrelatable, fake, and devoid of real empathy. I don't blame them for it and I feel deep sympathy for them.
Today an ex girlfriend hit me up for a loan because she is having financial problems, I am as well and still managed to get her some money.
She took to ignoring me after she received the funds 😃 after I mentioned it would be nice to have a visit with one another again.
I spent a little while processing my emotions and tried to imagine what it must be like to view others as a meal ticket, what it must be like to deceive and pretend with a smile on the face, what it must be like to have the mind completely hijacked.
Why do I feel deep empathy and sympathy for the morally defunct, I cannot answer that, but I make for a good victim when they realize what I am.
I'm digressing a little.
The point is that we are not in the world we used to be in, and not everyone has the eyes to see this but you certainly do, and the image we've seen in our minds for the future is probably more realistic and dire than staying seated and watching the show unfold.
In my opinion there is nothing wrong with removing yourself from a dangerous environment full of mentally sick individuals, in fact to sit by idly and think things will change, especially when cross hairs are lining up against you is risky business.
Laying down one's life for freedom is not a bad thing at all, so long as there is chance for the sacrifice to exact real change.
Part of the agenda may be for a bunch of "woke" individuals to go gun happy so they can be wiped out and the plan can carry forth...
“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.” -Frank Zappa
I need transportation, and I need to get across the river.
Until I can make arrangements to travel, I am a trapped sitting duck in a country who is labelling citizens as terrorists for their opinions.
I'm not 100% sure what the plan is going to be for myself at the moment, but I cannot discuss fine details and/or make plans over unencrypted connection at this point.
Things were easier when we still believed there was some kind of privacy online, and that powerful elite forces didn't want us gone because we threaten their control over the false narrative. Now, we know that nothing entered into a keyboard or keypad is private in any sense of the word. For a while, it seemed good enough to speak in code, or innuendos, but eventually we have come to realize their machines have learned to understand our codes and innuendos. And that nobody is too small to spy on, record, and analyze. But then we also realize, if we self-censor, we have already lost. And that if we can't communicate, we are sitting ducks. So we weigh the pros and cons of every interaction.
It fuckin sucks.
Couldn't agree more bro,
Recently heard a 70 year old guy who's a US veteran I listen to on Bitchute say something along the lines of.
"It takes a special kind of mechanism in the brain to be able to come to terms with and live with the fact that nearly everything you've ever been taught in this world from birth is a full blown bunch of grade a homogenized bullshit."
I was just nodding my head along with him like "yep... totally"
It's been probably 6 years since I've gone on TOR or any other darknets, and I had many reasons for choosing to no longer go to this areas of the internet, and after learning about how TOR was developed and its intended uses, I saw further a lack of need to go there. There's probably a lot I don't know and never learned, but basically I know you are right with what you just stated.
Yeah, encryption would be a joke now that I think about it, if the woke is a small group, we're on a special log already and have been for a long time.
Yeah fuckin sucks for sure.
We have to hope that all this is going to get unraveled and solved, and good will triumph. While we're still standing, hopefully! Thanks for giving me lots of good comments to upvote lately, though! I'm always looking for such. I try to dish out all 10 of my possible daily upvotes, while remaining near 100%, so it's good to have a variety of targets available. Your comments are always worthwhile, not just because I agree, but because you use critical thinking and put in some effort. So, thank you. And I know you're not after the 40c or whatever. But it does help me, since we now earn more for curation than before, so apparently it's important to dish out those votes.
Having a good weekend, I trust?
Thanks for the kind words man, I feel the same about your interactions with me as well :)
Yeah me and Covid are doing alright, he's sprawled out on the coffee table right now just chilling and I'm getting ready to roll up my first joint today. The humidity is pretty rough over here right now, but it's not too hot.
I appreciate all the nice comment support bro and wish I had more HP so I could reward yours as good as you reward mine, but maybe POB will pump hard and futurebrain votes will be substantial :D
It's nice we're all budding right now too... Growing cannabis always gives something nice to look forward to, even with all the stress and bs in the world.
I hope you, Kate, and the little one are having a nice weekend as well.
Crazy! Keep a cool mind for the right decisions my friend.
Bless Up! Much Love
Not sure what's scarier: locked in or locked out?! Scary how the B.C. media isn't providing information or real updates on the situation, but stoking the fear unnecessarily. What's next, firefighters dancing on social media? Are we supposed to bang our pots and pans at 5pm in solidarity with the firefighters?
Looks like a nice day on Mars.
This is about as horrifying as it gets. Sorry you are going through this Medikatie :(
Crazy times mate, praying for you and family.
Congratulations @drutter! You received a personal badge!
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Ahhh yes, summer of 2017. It was the worst of times, it was the best of times. MediKatie and I were homeless when I signed up here 4 years ago, and didn't have a place to live until November. I had heard (about Steem) many times from other vloggers, and used a laptop and borrowed internet connection to sign up. I didn't want to wait until we were in a better situation, because I knew the sooner you start, the better your chances of "making it" here. Well after 4 years, I still have not made it here! I should never have touched this place with a ten foot pole. It's one of my only regrets in life. If I could do it all again, I would never ever sign up for this blockchain. No offense to anyone here, but it has been one of the worst decisions I ever made.
Do you know what the average post payouts are, and what is considered "making it" on Hive?
Because even if you make $50.00 a post and post everyday, minus curation is less than $200.00 dollars per week, and if you cashed that out to survive on, you certainly will not continue making that much because we know how the voters want those votes back sometimes, and we know constant cash out is not the popular thing to do around here, regardless if someone really needs the resources to survive.
I came along Dec 2017 homeless on a laptop as well :D At the very start I wasn't but it was a drug house infested with mice and people doing hard drugs, nodding out in piles of garbage.. real bad, then willingly left to go to a homeless shelter cause I had to get the fuck out of there.
Why do you stick around if you regret it so much?
I would guess for the meaningful connections and things which no monetary value can be set for? :)
I hope you stay with it and also hope that it becomes a more positive and fulfilling experience for you bro.
Heheh yeah, there are a few meaningful connections, but to be honest I've met people on various platforms for the past 25 years, and kept in touch with essentially none of them. I don't know if I'm unusual that way, or if most people tend not to connect well with purely online friends? Not sure. And no offense meant to anyone, cuz it's not personal. Maybe I'm defective, who knows.
One (and perhaps the main) reason I'm still here though I regret it, is there's no good alternative (yet). I feel like I went the wrong way in a choose your own adventure book, but this is real life, and I can't go back (cheat), and I can't just die and start over. I'm doing the best I can with the mistake(s) I've made, I guess.
Another aspect is that I can't really get my funds out without a smart device and/or bank account and/or giving up my privacy. Crypto was supposed to be private and decentralized, and as I've documented many times, it has become everything BUT those 2 things! I'm looking for ways to do it that don't require things I don't have (bank account or smart device), and don't require me to do things I'm against. The hope is that something will come along for me (and millions like me who are waiting in the wings for real privacy and decentralization). So I'm kinda strung along hoping for that.
Then there's the price, I bough in at $4 or whatever it was at the start of 2018, blew all my BTC (0.2) on it. Seemed like the best idea ever, price was headed above $10 everybody said, etc etc. But as you know, STEEM (and HIVE) is inflating like a mofo, and the value does nothing but drop. This punishes holders and rewards people who earn and cash out. I've NEVER cashed out. So everything I've earned has been reduced by 95% or more in value. Why don't I just cash out and leave? It's complicated! But yeah, the price is probably part of it. Maybe if cashing out was actually going to get me back my 0.2 BTC I sent this platform 4 years ago, or pay me for the 4 years of full time effort I've put in, but that's not the case at the moment.
Note, some of the above factors are still in flux. Things keep changing. Maybe my stars will align at some point, I don't know. Maybe I should take what I can get, and run away now? Shrug. Dunno man! Dunno.
Thank you for the reply bro, and very nicely written too.
Crypto is really something man... My perception regarding the privacy and utility is right in line with yours.
I still use a Surveillance Monitoring Analytic Reporting Tracking device, minimally, but ohhh I know it's serving a purpose 24 hours a day, and have been considering a possible VOIP solution because all I really use it for is calls and texting people back who have an aversion to just calling..
During that time I was homeless I was buying some gift cards to trade for the pre fork crypto.., and after that with DeFi, had about 100X'd my investment(s).
Then I was scammed out of about $20,000 dollars worth of crypto 😀 and simply no longer care about the online equity I hold anymore, because my work for these past few years vanished in seconds, and there is a lesson to be learned here... (what is it what is it?)
Now I'm back blogging again and do not care what my posts make.
I don't have any specific goals with blogging anymore, other than perhaps bringing positivity, awareness, and wisdom to others.
I guess the lesson is that any sense of accomplishment, and sense of gain, any sense of material is all a perceptual illusion in a strange sense.
If I have an account with 1 million dollars in it, but I have no physical food to eat and cannot quickly turn that asset into food, what do I really have except for an illusion of security, and is that security real, or is the growling in my stomach real? 🤔
This would make for an interesting philosophical write up.
Things keep changing, my stars will align at some point, I know, I should take what I can get, and run. 😉🤗