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RE: How to lose weight

My internal problems is partly from eating too much of the wrong thing and I have to when I have hardly any funds to spend like I would want to. Still I should try not to eat too much cheese, and yes I am intolerant to milk, so I will cut down on my cheese. Thanks again for your suggestions. I want to do all of your suggestions if and when I can afford to go to get tested for those problems and buy better food. 😊😊🌟🌟


I hope you get there and you can buy better food soon.

I will I know it will happen in the near future. I'm a tough old bird 😂😂😂 My mom use to say that LOL! I don't feel old today either. That is good. 😆 My brother is coming to visit and his wife. That will be a nice change. Thank you Chris @chaosmagic23 🌟🌟👍 !BBH !CTP

Dear @adcreatordesign, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @chaosmagic23.