❀ A L I V E 3️⃣ 8️⃣ ❀

in We Are Alive Tribe β€’ 2 years ago




What are you celebrating today?

πŸ™ Gracias - Thanks - Obrigado - Arigato πŸ™

Today I celebrate having a shelter and a family, a food to consume and a wonderful day to observe with my eyes. The moon is about to fill up and the sun greets us from a warm autumn. I wonder what else I will need to be whole and a melody resounds in my heart. I thank you for coming this far.

❀ I celebrate one more day of victorious love ❀

And I also invite you to celebrate.

Life is a wonderful gift that is experienced at present time. No strings attached. The universe is very vast, but we do not know if this opportunity will be repeated again.

🌈 Have a wonderful day! πŸ˜†πŸ’«

🌌 Now is your moment 😘


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