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RE: Your ideas how to get more witness votes

in We Are Alive Tribe9 months ago

Besides what's been already said, you might want to do some educational videos/posts about witnesses, their activity and the importance of voting for witnesses. Obviously, as others remarked, a direct link and encouragement to vote for your Hive witness node should be included on all posts, as you previously did with the HE witness. One more thing, it could be useful to have personalized links for different interfaces, depending on which interface the person uses. Some may be reluctant to try a new interface, especially something new to them, even if it's easier to use (a 30 second tutorial would help, even if is self-explanatory).


One more thing, it could be useful to have personalized links for different interfaces

That's a good point. If somebody is exclusively on ecency, he will probably not go to peakd for the voting.

3 credits added for the Liotes Ranking