Your ideas how to get more witness votes

in We Are Alive Tribe8 months ago

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As you know, we have started a Hive Witness with @liotes a couple of days ago. If you haven't voted for it, please do it here. After a week, we manage to produce on average 2 blocks per day. We would need about double of that to cover our costs. In the context of this Liotes Mission, we would like to pick your brains:

Please share with us your ideas how we could get more witness votes for Liotes

The Liotes Mission

By taking part in the Liotes missions, you can win credits that will help you to increase your score and your title in the Liotes Ranking.

People who submit an answer will get 3 credits for the Liotes ranking. If you submit more than 1 answer, you will not get more credits.

We are very grateful if you enter the challenge within 24 hours after the post is published. We will try to count entries up to 36 hours after publication.

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Please consider voting for the Liotes HIVE Witness


A project run by @ph1102 and @achim03


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Spread the word but without spamming or being aggressive. Examples:

  • Banner with direct link to vote for the witness. Every time the curators vote, the banner is dropped.

  • Promotion with Ecency points of the announcer publication of the witness.

  • Periodical publications with information about the activity of the witness and promote them with Ecency points.

  • Participation in activities of other communities and projects to publicise the witness.

I know that some points are already proposed by other users, but I add them so that it is recorded that more heads think the same thing. 😁

3 credits added for the Liotes Ranking

Thank you so much and congratulations for the 💯!!

21 jump street drugs GIF

Thanks a lot for putting all this together. That is pretty helpful and I believe that you kind of defined our plan forward :-)

The best thing you guys can do now is to keep at what you're doing. I feel that it'll come eventually. 👍

It's nice to hear such things :-). It will definitely take some time but I'm positif that we will get there sooner or later :-)

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I think I agree with some of the suggestions below. Add a small banner to your posts. Make some regular posts about your Hive Witness and how it is going and keep doing what you are doing, promoting growth and community on Hive.

That's a great sum up of what sounds like a great game plan. Thank you!

3 credits added for the Liotes Ranking

There is nothing new from me, but making an announcement post for a set of time about your witness, how they are doing and other stuff might also spread the awareness of the witness. You might also want to use the promote function on ecency so that the news could be pushed more.
or maybe send out some small hive with the witness promotion. ✌️😅😅

These are some great ideas. Thanks a lot!

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 8 months ago  

I think a good way is to create a banner that we can place in our publications, inviting people to vote for witness Liotes.


That's a great idea that we have started to implement.

 8 months ago  


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 7 months ago  



 8 months ago  
  • Promote Liotes project while promoting the witness.
  • Active to gain more rankings in Hive Witness
  • Send 0.001 HIVE like someone 😂
  • Fame in Hive society?


Fame in Hive society?

I like this one lol. Thanks a lot for your ideas!

 8 months ago  

@liotes! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ cursephantom. (1/20)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

3 credits added for the Liotes Ranking

Besides what's been already said, you might want to do some educational videos/posts about witnesses, their activity and the importance of voting for witnesses. Obviously, as others remarked, a direct link and encouragement to vote for your Hive witness node should be included on all posts, as you previously did with the HE witness. One more thing, it could be useful to have personalized links for different interfaces, depending on which interface the person uses. Some may be reluctant to try a new interface, especially something new to them, even if it's easier to use (a 30 second tutorial would help, even if is self-explanatory).

One more thing, it could be useful to have personalized links for different interfaces

That's a good point. If somebody is exclusively on ecency, he will probably not go to peakd for the voting.

3 credits added for the Liotes Ranking

Maybe make a video on how to vote for Hive witnesses?

That could be an idea :-)

3 credits added for the Liotes Ranking

This is a tough question to answer. Do the votes expire after a period of time so you would need to repeat whatever you did to get them to vote the first time every six months or so. Being aggressive with the ask sometimes turns off those that would have supported you otherwise. Promotions is a very good way or banners at the bottom of your posts, this way it is voluntary if they participate and you are not over promising rewards.

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I also think that doing it too agressively might be contraproductive. If people don't vote at all, their votes expires after a certain time.

Don't have any brilliant ideas that I can share or contribute but only because you guys are already doing a fantastic job! Keep it up and I'm sure the numbers would come! 😁

Thanks a lot for the kind words. We hope that it will evolve that way :-)

It definitely would! Keep up the great work 💪

3 credits added for the Liotes Ranking

Thanks! 😊

Talk to Khal about adding a task in the Zealy campaign, and it will sure bring some votes.

I really have to get into learning how this Zealy stuff works lol

Zealy is a social marketing platform for project who like to grow using existing user base to bring more traffic and new users by adding campaigns and tasks to be carried out by members.

3 credits added for the Liotes Ranking

It won't be hard for you :)
it's easier than acquiring new Hive users because you only target the active Hive population

  • you already have several fronts open - I'm thinking mainly of the Liotes group/community/tribe, whatever it's called, and all the announcements, from the weekly transparent reports, then the ourpick selection, then the posts about the joint Liotes HP, then the Wednesday Liotes mission, then the weekly live show on the Ecency Discord - you need to regularly point out Liotes Witness everywhere, and you're already doing that anyway.
  • maybe open a lioteswitness account or something like that, where you could report regularly, say monthly, what's going on with Witness, a bit of statistics and so on (I've seen this with some Witnesses).
  • maybe also a series of posts about the importance for witnesses to make some useful contribution to the community, so they can be changed or voted on every now and then

These are some great ideas and you are right that we have a lot of infrastructure already in place. Thanks a lot for the great input!

3 credits added for the Liotes Ranking

I think it would be interesting to do more threads talking about the work of the liotes team, demonstrating that we are a family, that responsibility and quality are always bringing security to all members and motivating people to get to know and participate

I agree, we are not using threads enough. It's a great tool where we could present our work.

3 credits added for the Liotes Ranking

I can't think of much besides mentioning about it. I think the cryptomaniacs is quite good and maybe you can see if you can end up as a guest there? Find a place and branch out to get more exposure.

We had a show once with them about Liotes. Maybe we could do a new edition...

3 credits added for the Liotes Ranking

What I see people doing a lot is publicizing, whether in posts or threads, you post asking for a vote as a witness. You can make a banner to place on the posts of all members directly involved with the witness so that they can vote if they want or something like that.

You can also do a raffle, take advantage of the splinterlands rebellion hype, draw some packs and use the platform so that people can do some things to get more tickets, like following liotes' profile on hive , follow the profile on Twitter, vote for the witness and such, each action carried out +1 ticket to participate.

I didn't know about gleam. Thanks a lot for sharing!

I'm happy to share something new for you, although afterwards I was wondering if people would think it was bad to put the witness vote as a condition for +1 ticket, if you're going to use it, it's better to ask other whales first if it would be a problem . See you next time.

3 credits added for the Liotes Ranking

You are doing well. Create a community and it will reward your efforts.

Thank you!

3 credits added for the Liotes Ranking

I have no good clue, but please don't send 0.001 hive with memo to anyone...

That's also not really my favorite way lol

3 credits added for the Liotes Ranking

Hmm going by the previous comment where the intention is not to buy votes.. I think it's not going to be easy. But of course, we can always help to spread the word to our friends. Maybe I will write a post about this too. Hehe!

Maybe I will write a post about this too. Hehe!

That would be awesome :-)

3 credits added for the Liotes Ranking

I can't think of many things but maybe it counts for the ranking.

 8 months ago  

@liotes! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ yeckingo1. (3/20)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

that's an idea but I think it might explode the ranking size ;-)

3 credits added for the Liotes Ranking

External marketing maybe? :)

I think that for the witness votes, it should be rather within hive :-)

3 credits added for the Liotes Ranking

promote it on hive related discord channels (telegram,twitter)
use ecency points to promote your Witness Announcement Post
send 0.001 hive with memo to active hive users 😂

Thanks a lot for sharing your ideas. We will probably not do the memo thing 🤣

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 8 months ago  

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 8 months ago  

@liotes! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ iamalivechalleng. (17/20)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

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