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RE: I am alive and freely choose to live.

in We Are Alive Tribe4 years ago

Wow that was very beautiful words @dreamingirwin, freedom to live our lives as we choose, the really scary part about all this push for control is that it did not in any way start now, the disease just allowed them an opportunity to accelerate what was already being done, and thanks for sharing those beautiful pictures, stay safe, awesome and alive.


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@flaxz - Admin/Moderator

This post has been selected by Team Alive as todays Daily Highlight and will be included in our Daily Update post on @iamalivechalleng.

#IAmAliveChallenge, check out our Hive Community and our guide, I Am Alive Challenge - The Guide


Yeah. That's way platforms like hive are necessary. The mainstream platforms are censored. We can't have a discussion. People in general seem unable to debate, while these platforms push disinformation. Forcing truth tellers to have to debate with friends and family. Who by design are passionately ignorant. Meanwhile the people who need to be addressed hide behind the scenes. Feeding the ignorant and luring more and more well meaning people to defend their agenda.

 4 years ago  

It sure is nice to have a place for a real discussion. I am grateful for it. Thank you for your participation and engagement on the Challenge. Have a great day! 😀


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@lisamgentile1961 - Comment Moderator

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