
I guess it takes all types
And there's no making sense of it
Sometimes certain shenanigans under false justifications annoy me too - sigh...

Anywho, yes RL is amazing
Look at your terrace - wow, you are really making the best of it - that's very cool ;D

 3 years ago  

Thanks! It's the best I could do with such limited garden space. I'm needing more greens and flowering plants too. Slowly but surely.. that's one of my RL goals. :)


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hello dear friend @iamraincrystal good evening it is unfortunate that there are people with a lot of talent misused, as you say, they can make use of their intelligence in a more productive way the gardener is the best to reduce the level of stress
I take this opportunity to wish you a splendid night

 3 years ago  

My goodness time flies! Can't believe I missed this reply LOL. Yeah RL does have a way of getting in the way. Yipee it's almost the weekend again! :) Stay safe and well!


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