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RE: Grateful for So Much: Daily Life in Preparation

Yes, all interesting stuff! I am one who likes to hear and consider many different interpretations of things. I have heard of the "snow globe" idea that the ancients thought of cosmology as a disc covered by a thin but strong dome with waters above it. The dome was partly transparent and that is why the sky is blue - we're seeing the waters above.

I try not to get too bogged down in the details as I think there is some chance that many stories in the Bible are allegory. I figure if Jesus used parables to make points, and God and Jesus are the same in some way, then God may also have told parables / allegorical stories to those who wrote the Bible. So I'm looking for the moral of the story rather than being concerned about the historicity or scientific accuracy of things in the Bible.

But it's all totally open for discussion! Different folks come to their own conclusions. I don't know much, but the little I do know is that I don't know enough to close my mind to different points of view. :)

 9 months ago  

I'm looking for the moral of the story

True, the Word of God uses many parables and examples, discerning what is actual and symbolic is important. The purpose of the Word is for right living. If something is believed or proven inaccurate recorded in the word, it doesn't change the accuracy of the Character of God and His Name and the morality He instructs. As Paul writes:

let God be true, but every man a liar Romans 3:4

It wouldn't be surprising to me to discover that the word of God is accurate in reality, even when it is very different from our assumptions and conventional understanding.