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RE: Wednesday Walk A few shots from walks in the last week

in Wednesday Walk2 years ago (edited)

Wow! amazing photography sir. It did really made me smile. Felt like I was there in the places you have been. I am new here to this platform so I have yet so much to learn and I am glad I found your community and I would love to participate as well. So I can also share the beauty of the places that I go to from our country, the Philippines.
Thank you for initiating this fun community. More power to you and Happy holidays.

Sir I have a question, when posting can I include a video in the post or just purely photos? Thank you in advance for the reply.


Thanks so much and glad you like the community and yes you can share walks anywhere you go and videos are fine as well

But just once a week

Thank you so much for the reply and for the clarifications. I am now excited to share some of my walks here in your awesome community.
Oh, one more thing sir, My apologies again I really have no idea and no one to ask about.
My question is, Do we literally have to walk while sharing a particular place? or is riding a vehicle going to a place allowed? Like while travelling or intransit to a place, like from one city to another because it's far so you have to be on a vehicle while taking photos? Is it allowed?

That's my last question sir. Thank you again in advance for the reply and clarifications.

Don’t worry about asking questions ask anytime

No problem if you take photos on a ride or a train etc I don’t really have strict rules

Other than you must get out and about share a few photos or a video and tell us a bit about the place

Thank you so much sir. I really appreciate it. Have a great day ahead.

You to have a great day