Stimulating and Fraternal Walk through the Fields

in Wednesday Walk7 months ago

Hi dear Hivers, here we are, back in the Drôme, visiting family. The Christmas festivities are continuing, and with them, one meal after another ! Inevitably, the activities are fairly sedentary and the need to get moving is growing !

Fortunately, where we were, Nature was just around the corner ! In the middle of the afternoon, we set off along this little road at the back of the house.


In the far background of this view are the Trois Becs, those jagged mountains. In the neighboring fields, the wheat is just starting to grow. As far as the weather was concerned, we were really treated ! There wasn't a cloud on the horizon.



We soon came upon a small dirt road, but nothing indicated that we would come across this beautiful bourgeois house. The light was already low, but it was still the middle of the afternoon.

We turned around and set off again...



Another path along a small stream... Always bathed in warm, bright winter light.




A little further on, we came across this ranch where many horses are sunbathing.


The road resumes and the digestion continues, its effect increasing step by step as our shadows lengthen in the fields that line the path.




Spectacular lunar-like pebbles with long, tapering shadows.




Our route continues through this landscape where the evening light is gradually arriving. It's all very calm, which makes it ideal for a chat with two of my brothers.




Still playing with shadows... and in the middle photo: the small village that we reach at a leisurely pace at the end of our wide loop.


Inevitably, at some point I come across the first piece of rubbish, in this case a lighter that no longer works. I put it in my pocket and waited for other finds.



It's not long before they arrive in the form of those soda cans I loathe so much !


A rubbish bin a little further on allows me to get rid of the few items that were lining the roadside.


And this is where our walk comes to an end, almost in the same place as two hours earlier, but with a totally different light !

I hope you've enjoyed this simple report, which I'm sure is as full of description as it gets at times...!

I'd like to thank you for your visit and wish you a lovely day. Take care and see you soon,



All these texts and images are mine.

Salut chers Hivers, nous voilà de retour dans la Drôme, en visite chez la famille. Les festivités de Noël continuent et avec elles, les repas s'enchaînent ! Forcément, les activités sont assez sédentaires et le besoin de bouger se fait ressentir de plus en plus !

Heureusement, là où nous nous trouvions, la Nature était à deux pas ! Dans le milieu de l'après-midi, nous sommes dont partis sur cette petite route à l'arrière de la maison.


Au fond de cette vue, on retrouve les Trois Becs, ces montagnes dentelées. Dans les champs voisins, le blé commence juste à pousser. Au point de vue de la météo, nous avons vraiment été gâté ! Il n'y avait pas un nuage à l'horizon.



Très rapidement, nous tombons sur une petite route de terre, mais rien n'indiquait que nous tomberions sur cette belle maison bourgeoise. La lumière est déjà rasante, mais nous sommes encore en plein après-midi.

Nous faisons demi-tour et reprenons notre route...



Un autre chemin le long d'un petit cours d'eau... Toujours baignés d'une chaude et vive lumière d'hiver.




Un peu plus loin, nous sommes tombés sur ce ranch où de nombreux chevaux prennent le soleil.


La route reprend et la digestion continue et son effet augmente de pas en pas tandis que nos ombres s'allongent dans les champs qui bordent le chemin.




Spectacles de cailloux comme lunaires avec leurs ombres longues et effilées.




Notre route continue dans ce paysage où la lumière du soir arrive petit à petit. Tout est calme et donc propices aux discussions avec mes deux frères.




Toujours des jeu d'ombres... et sur la photo du milieu : le petit village que nous rejoignons à pas tranquilles au terme de notre large boucle.


Forcément, il y a bien un moment où je finis par tomber sur un premier déchet, en l'occurence un briquet qui ne fonctionne plus. Je le glisse dans ma poche en attendant d'éventuelles autres trouvailles.



Celles-ci ne tardent pas à arriver sous la forme de ces canettes de soda que je déteste complètement !


Une poubelle un peu plus loin me permet de me délester de ces quelques éléments qui jalonnaient le bord de la route.


Et c'est ici que notre balade touche à son terme, presque au même endroit que deux heures plus tôt, mais avec une lumière totalement différente !

J'espère que vous aurez apprécié ce simple reportage, mon touffu sûrement en description qu'à certains moments..!

Je vous remercie pour votre visite et vous souhaite une très belle journée, prenez bien soin de vous et à bientôt,



Tous ces textes et images sont les miens.



I’ve been told crocodiles can grow up to 15 feet
but I’ve never seen one with more than four.

Credit: reddit
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Why did the hipster burn his tongue?
He drank his coffee before it was cool.

Credit: reddit
@nialalolleur, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of curart38

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As I suspected – someone has been adding soil to my garden.
The plot thickens.

Credit: marshmellowman
@nialalolleur, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of phillarecette



Nothing is as pleasant as walking around nature, the photos are beautiful. The shadow photos are wow!

The place you went is very wide and spacious my friend. I remembered the horse ranch and place when we visit to my Grandma. It is very nice and enjoyable to see when the horses are running around. Truly, the place you went is very relaxing and fascinating.

What a great photos. Especially the one with longer shadows..♥️

It seems like you had a chance for a nice tour there. 😁 And the clear sky obviously in your favor as well. Thanks for taking us with you. Enjoyed both the text and the pictures a lot!
Have a nice afternoon and take care!

Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk :)

Sorry short comments today in a funky mood and if I try to do longer comments they may not come across well LOL
Have a great day :)

Thank you 😇

No worry, with answering that late how could I complain haha !

I wish you a great new year dear @tattoodjay, hope you're doing well :))

wishing you and years all the best for 2024

Thank you 😇 !

I love the pictures
The sun also helped with the shadows
They look nice

What you say is very true, dear friend @anttn, these days of celebrations one becomes a little sedentary, and what better than a walk to eliminate the excesses of the holidays
It's good that you have this path surrounded by nature to walk
What a shame that people do not take care of this natural trail and throw garbage, you are very kind to collect and throw where it belongs
I loved the shadows that you found in the company of your brothers
Beautiful photographs of the surroundings of your Wednesday walk
Have a great day

Hey dear @julfer and thank you for your kind inputs :)

Sorry to answer you that late ! I seize the opportunity to wish you a great new year !

Take care ✌️


avec un plus un mini action @cleanplanet :)

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Wonderdul walk dear.
It look like views of village life.
Natural views of fields, mountain ls behind the fields and greenery looking awesome.
Shadowy pictures are also very nice.
Thumbs up for you dear.

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Beautiful walk @anttn keep healthy!

With sunlight, it is great for the body. Outdoor activity is perfect to enjoy nature and holiday season like now

The first pic reminded me of my own place...only difference we have rice fields followed by a rocky feels so good to open...alwsys a stress-free experince

That low hanging sun creates some nice long shadows 👌
Nice walk!

This was an amazing sight and read. I love all the pictures especially the ones with shadow reflections. I am sure it was a wonderful walk for you. Happy holidays. I hope you enjoyed your Christmas?
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Cartoonist found dead in home.
Details are sketchy.

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What a delightful journey through the picturesque Drôme! The scenic landscapes, the rustic charm of the bourgeois house, and the serene stream-side path create a perfect backdrop for family moments.
The warm winter light casts enchanting shadows, making every step a visual feast. A perfect blend of nature and family, these moments become cherished memories, right?


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