Wednesdaywalk - A cool camping spot on the shores of Lake Lut Tawar


Edited with Canva

After almost two weeks of living in the Cold City of Takengon to take part in practical assignments from campus, today I went out again with my good friend Rizal to enjoy the natural beauty of this Coffee City.



At the beginning of our journey, we were greeted with the beauty of a mountain road full of shady trees beside it. Our goal this afternoon was to go to one of the camping spots beside Lake Lut Tawar.



Along the way we were greeted with the beautiful charm of the vast Tawar Lut, when we started on the slopes of the mountain we could see the view of Takengon City from afar, the combination of a beautiful lake with dense urban areas made the scenery I saw so spectacular.


We stopped for a moment to see this extraordinary sight, then we are now continuing our journey following the road beside this Danan until we find the MEPAR CAMPING pamphlet.


After entering through this gate we were immediately greeted with a very wide and beautiful view of the camping area with views of Lake Lut Tawar and the beautiful mountains that were right in front of our eyes.



While relaxing in this area enjoying the fried foods and coffee that we bought on the way earlier, we now decided to go to the camping tent area which is directly on the edge of the lake.



Look at the camping tents that are lined up beside this lake, it looks very beautiful and enchanting, the combination of the orange color of the camping tents with the natural scenery of the mountains and lake in front of it creates a very extraordinary view here.




In the backyard area, the tents are also decorated with colorful ropes and ribbons which make the view even more aesthetically pleasing. Because we were even more curious to see the view up close, we immediately went down to see the view of these camping tents up close.




Up close these tents look even more beautiful because the contrast of the orange color is more prominent, with the contrast of the lake in front of it making the camping spot on the spot even more attractive. These camping tents are built really close to the edge of the lake so that we can immediately see the beautiful view of Lut Tawar Lake and the mountains when we wake up in the morning from inside this camping tent.






At the front of the camping tent there is also a small bench for relaxing. If we want to see beautiful views of the mountains and lakes here, we can also make a bonfire here to warm our bodies at night while hanging out casually. The clean lake with the cold air typical of Takengon City makes us very happy sitting on the outskirts of this lake, with fresh minds and comfortable hearts we are very satisfied to enjoy the beauty of this lake from in front of this camping tent.






Seeing the view of the lake, mountains and boats in front of my eyes made my mind feel refreshed immediately. Besides us, there are also many other visitors who come to this place to camp tonight here, small children are also very happy playing in this part of the camping area.







I'm sure everyone who comes here will feel happy like me. What makes me comfortable here is that the camping site is kept very clean, going to any area that I see can make my eyes comfortable.




Well, the boat that was pacing in front of me earlier has now pulled over and parked on the edge of the lake right in front of these tents, after chatting with the owner it turns out that this boat is rented out to visitors at a rate of $ 1 USD / person for 30 minutes to go around -playing and taking pictures from the middle of the lake.







The lake water this afternoon is very calm and also very clear, the beautiful scenery here feels like I'm in heaven which makes it seem like I don't want to go home and want to continue to be here. Far ahead here I also see there are other campsites that are right beside this location.









The later in the evening the view of the camping tents looks more beautiful, the little children are even more excited to welcome the night because they will be camping here with their parents tonight, for camping here one tent is rented for $ 9 USD / one tent.

Before night fell we decided to go home again because we weren't going to camp here tonight, but my heart didn't feel like going home. After leaving the camping area at one of the sharp turns at the top of the mountain, I again found a very beautiful view of Lake Lut Tawar.




Apart from being able to see the beautiful mountains and the vast lake from here, we can also see the camping site that I visited earlier, from here we can see that these camping spots are right on the edge of the lake with very spectacular scenic spots.




The color of the sky at night, which is getting orange, makes whatever sight before my eyes look more and more phenomenal, from here we can see these mountains standing parallel as if covering this Lake Lut Tawar.


Our trip this afternoon was really very exciting and certainly unforgettable, because the day was getting darker and we decided to continue our journey home because the air here was also getting colder.



At the end of the trip we were greeted again with a beautiful sunset view and horses eating grass, even though it was almost night I still paid attention to my motorbike to see this sweet horse up close.

This is my travel story for today's wednesdaywalk, see you in the next post.

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ModelSamsung Galaxy A33
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Lake lut tawar is so beautiful and I am imagining myself to be in that tent near the lake. I like how they chose the orange color and arranged it beside the lake. It really beautiful sleeping on that tent and wakes up that the lake will welcome you.

You're so blessed to be in that beautiful lake.

thank you sister, I am really happy to be able to enjoy this beautiful experience

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the drive there was beautiful but camping so close to the water in such a beautiful area must be so good for ones mind and soul

you are right, camping there is an extraordinary experience


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