Sea, nature and art. 🌊

in Wednesday Walklast month


The beach is one of the places that relaxes me the most, and not just walking on the sand but the sun and the sound of the sea.

On my walk to it, along the promenade I enjoyed the beautiful views.


And I also found a sculpture that welcomed me. Art is present everywhere.


At various facilities on the beach, such as the toilets, they often paint beautiful murals with beach themes and make the scenery more attractive.

At least this child is not going to drown.


And this one is well secured in the water, he can play in peace.


That sound, that noise of the water hitting the sand is one of the sounds that calms my mind and inspires me the most.



I tend to simply watch as the water comes towards me, as it wets my feet and the white foam caresses me.


I always find the views amazing, there in the distance is the harbour of the city, but from this place there is peace and the smell of the sea.


If I look in the opposite direction, I see the rest of the beaches and the outline of the city.


The foam with its patterns on the sand, like a white mantle with transparencies.


And if I look up, a blue sky with glimpses of clouds. A range of beautiful blues. The wonder of nature.


I took the opportunity to gather some stones that I liked, there is a lot of variety, of many colours that caught my attention and I will surely think of making art with them. Nature and art, for me they always go together.


I look at the footprints in the sand left by other walkers like me who enjoy the shore and the freshness of that wonderful water.

The sand massages your feet as you walk and it's wonderful.


A walk in the sun, together with the sea, brings many benefits. Walking barefoot revitalises and relieves stress. The sun source of vitamin D helps the body and the healthy sea water renews the skin and makes it more beautiful.

There are already tourists in the city, but not too many, so even the most central beaches are not too crowded and you can enjoy a beautiful walk.



The palm trees are always with me, providing shade and a place to drink mate or have a picnic.


Quite a lot of sand, which by the way was too hot to walk on, except at the edge of the beach where the water was cool.


A children's playground on the beach, at that moment without them, but waiting for them when classes end and the afternoons fill the beach with laughter, games and joy.




I observed very varied and beautiful games, each new angle gave a different and even artistic view of them. Although the children were not there, I think they were depressed. I told them that joy would soon come to them.


San Andres is the name of this beach, it is just at the end of the port of the city, on the west side. It is very family-oriented, rather than touristy, although some people do go there.

The harbour has been under renovation for a long time and behind the name of the beach there were some mountains of sand that gave it a desert-like style.

Also the name of the beach is new, before those big rocks with the letters were not there, so I see that the works are progressing.


As I walk towards the exit of the place I find more art to say goodbye to this beautiful relaxing walk.

When I get closer I notice that it is a boy playing the guitar and that place is a module that belongs to the lifeguards. They seem to have everything there.

It's a quiet beach, with nice views and art, lots of art. In general they make an effort to have sculptures and paintings all over the city. On the beaches there is more conservation because of the air and water.


A walk with lots of sun, water, paintings and rocks, lots of rocks, plus the sound of the sea which always inspires me.

Thank you very much for joining me on this Wednesday walk. See you next time.

All photographs are my own.

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Thank you so much @pinmapple 😃

Magnificent walk; if I hear the sound of the waves and the smell of salt. Very nice pictures; I loved the blue of the sky. And from the land I loved that there were no people... only footprints. Thanks for taking us through the beach of San Andres. Greetings @avdeisgn.

It was a great ride, I did it yesterday and it was great! Very peaceful... still no people... or so many people! Thanks @enraizar 😃

Hola, visitando el hogar de Ballenita Feliz.👍

Muchas gracias @elcholitosanto !!! 😃

Esta bellísimo ese azul del mar. Cómo para perderse por horas allí desconectados del mundo. Me encantan los grafittis, son muy lindos y están muy bien hechos. Que lindo lugar. Sólo le agregaría más árboles. No me gusta el sol. 🌊🌊🌊🤗💞😘

A mi me encanta el sol! Ya estoy esperando para ir a tomar sol. Si es verdad falta más sombra, en otras playas hay más. Son 14 playas en total. Ya comienza la temporada e iré más seguido. Gracias Zully!❤️

Beaches with witches...🤗🤗 wowwww....u refresh my recent memory from my last sea trip It was so wonderful. I loved Beaches especially the sound of the waves....I enjoyed little dip in there...and u got a strong strong hand...🫡🫡🫡

To cast great spells you need a strong hand!!!! I love the sea!😍

See u made me to scroll down to my archive....though we do not bikinis women..Still theocratic atmosphere of the place makesnit very beautiful



So many people! So much of everything! I know, I know women don't wear bikinis... I do. And I love the sun!

Yes..I know that...I know little bit of witches that loves beaches...🤪

hahahaha but I can't swim

Beaches is not only about swimming...

How are you dear friend @avdesing good afternoon
What a beautiful walk, and what a beautiful place you have visited.
I love the beach, the sand, and the beautiful murals
beautiful shots, I love them all. Thank you very much for sharing this Wednesday walking experience.

It was a beautiful walk and what I liked the most was just that, the murals I found. Thank you @jlufer 😃

Hello @avdesing
What a beautiful beach, I love the movement of the water, its waves are beautiful, I would be lying if I didn't say that I love children's games
Your photographs are beautiful

Especially for you those games! I'm glad you like them! Hugs @miprimerconcurso 🤗

Oh, I see - stones... 😁

and I will surely think of making art with them


I chose several of them, several!!!! Many for the colours and others plain to... make art!❤️

The beach is a magical place, the colors, the sensations, the sounds of the sea, everything is renewing and energizing, there is a different vibe there ❤️

Art goes wherever you go because it is already part of your essence.

The things you say are beautiful, thank you very much Yami.❤️

¿No has encontrado el tesoro pirata escondido en la playa? Hoy vuelve a llover en mi casa, al menos esta mañana tenemos sol. Hasta pronto

Tendré que buscarlo mejor porque no lo encontré jajaja. Por el momento aquí sol y 21 grados!!😃

Me gusta el mar a mí también, pronto iré a Varadero y sentiré esas mismas sensaciones al caminar en la arena y en el agua. Y te contaré. Pero tú playa es linda y el paseo con todas esas pinturas la hacen muy agradable, las disfruté contigo. Me gustó esa pirámide tenías que haberte sentado en su centro y recibir energía positiva.¿ Será eso verdad?.amiga @avdesing, gracias bonito día 🥰❤️❤️❤️

Fue un paseo precioso y re cargador de energías, espero pronto vayas, seguro habrá fotografías! Las esperaré! Gracias @mamani 😃