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RE: Turkey's election result, my walking and feelings🤷🏻‍♀️ (eng-tr)

in Wednesday Walklast year

Hm, have to say no, other countries didnt recover in economics after covid. The sad Ukraine war and the "save planet from climate change thing" doing no good. The same with too much immigrants.
We have huge problems here in Austria too. Inflation and price for living just got crazy.

But the Coffee Shop Looks great ❤️


Im so sorry for your country also. Ok after Covid some countries can not recover their economies but they try. Policy for economy is not working in here.

Dont wanna complain, we still are on a high level with our life quality and especially with our freedom.
In fact its "First world problems" we have, but still for some individuals very difficult.

I always think, Imagine what good things could have been done with all the money going into weapons 😔

Yeah, freedom is so essential for us. We do not forget this one. I totally agree with you. #Covid19, the biggest pandemic the world has faced since the Black Death, happened during our period. What we faced is not normal I know. I hope everything will be ok😊🙏 If arms spending is reduced and redirected to social welfare, the category of "underdeveloped country" will disappear.

Food shortages are coming as they ban more and more farms. So many people are starving to death. This is accelerating each year.

Inflation is governed partly by rich families who control currency exchange rates which influences inflation towards their favor. That is why Bitcoin and other cryptos are rising as people flee.