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RE: Walking to the Rhythm of the Blues

in Wednesday Walk2 years ago

For me it is unnaturally warm for this time of year when it should be mid-winter and because of this, it is easier to do the 5k steps. It will definitely be harder when winter really sets in.
These walks are really useful, I have the example of my sister-in-law who does walk twice a day, but she is very rigorous, she doesn't miss a day. It has improved her health and mobility.

I hope the weather becomes more pleasant for you too. Time passes so quickly that soon this winter will be a memory too.
Since it's coming, I think I'll be the first to wish you a pleasant weekend!


Yes Winter soon will pass

My Step son and a few friends have an oculus headset and say it gets them good exercise with some of the apps or games I am wondering if one of those would help me get more activity on the colder days, but at $300 its a lot of money and not sure how I will like it, I may have to try the stepsons one out and see what I think.

you to enjoy the rest of your week and have a good weekend