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RE: Wednesday Walk in Destruction brook trail

in Wednesday Walk11 months ago

Was that a bridge you were on when you took the photos of the water? It looks like a really beautiful place! We have a nature center near where I grew up and I used to go there and walk the trails all the time. This reminds me of that place.


It is such a beautiful place and quite large I still have only visited a small portion of the trails

and no not on a bridge just on the trail

Ah okay, that is cool. I think I would be at this place every day if I lived close to it!

I want to visit there again but at the moment two reasons why I am avoiding it, ticks are apparently out in force at the moment, which I generally ignore, but also the tree pollen is real high at the moment and the allergies have got to me, infect I ended up with an infection, but amoxicillin is clearing that up

Yeah, the yellow and white stuff has been floating all around here as well. We will see it steadily increase until we get to the middle of June I think. I don't blame you for that. Ticks have been on the rise over the last couple of years. I keep a couple bottles of picardin spray in our trailer and truck during the summer.

I do have some tick spray I use when going on trail walks, and hoping the claritin which I am taking now will protect me from getting the allergies to badly again