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RE: Wednesday Walk Art around New Bedford

in Wednesday Walk11 months ago

The threshold piece pays homage to so much about New Bedford, its history as a major whaling port, its historical role in abolitionism, and the Underground Railroad. I love everything about that massive door, so very ornate. What a stunning statement it makes. inviting everyone to pass through its threshold. Did they have a big dedication ceremony? Another beautiful piece for Bedford.

I do like this artist, Mark Reigelman, and I just discovered that he is the same one that built a (humble) Quaker Meetinghouse in downtown Boston, on the Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Greenway. It was partly built to disorientate and present people with the unexpected when strolling through Boston. It appears to be sinking into the ground, but, was really built that way with the meeting house’ emerging as a brightly painted new england quaker-style dwelling — the very plain and simple architecture of Boston’s first colonial settlers. I visited it in 2018 and saw it, then again in 2019 and 2020... I just really like Boston. I like that his pieces are filled with meaning and symbolism.


I did look up Marks work and love his style, he has such a creative mind, would love to see more of his work, as for Boston yet again I will say one day I will get there LOL