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RE: Wednesday Walk - Alwin Holland Park

Thanks, it really is beautiful and I was hoping to be done this job today so I could do a walk video tomorrow but it looks like at least one more 14 hour day. Maybe I can get one next week. That's the one thing about this dog, he loves the woods and water so it's a pleasure to walk with him. Our last dog hated water and loved the woods, as long as he was running away from us and chasing any sort of animal. I won't be getting another hound again.


With Wednesday walk, don’t worry about doing it literally in a Wednesday lol just post it on Wednesday! I’ve got stuff that I post on the day that I’ve taken weeks ago and on random days, lots of weekends. We just post it on the day, though there are some over achievers that do it on the same day lol

It’s funny how wildly different the dogs are! My uncle had a really fun and outgoing beagle, but damn did it stop and sniff everything every 2 seconds.