Wednesday Walk | Only around my 69 sqm apartment

in Wednesday Walk3 years ago

I wish I had more to share but it's been such a closed up environment that the only walkabout that I have is within the compounds of my 69 sqm apartment. For some reason, it's definitely so much more better than the 18 sqm hotel room which I was stuck in for 23 days during my quarantine in May. Nothing could beat that experience so in a way I should not complain.

Nevertheless, it's just been too long stuck in one place and with no where to go. The mind can only take so much work and concentration on the laptop from dusk to dawn. At the end of the day, I'm just so tired that my eyes could not stare at another laptop, even though it's my own wonderful MacBook Air.

When I do go out, it's because I need to buy groceries or at least I'm trying to buy groceries. Due to the strict curfew of 6am to 6pm and specific date/time for grocery shopping, there's only so much walking I can do.


This is how sight of people queuing up for their turn to buy groceries in that short span of 2 hours. It's indeed ridiculous because the line never seemed to move! I got fed-up after waiting after an hour - went home - and tried online shopping again. Oh yes.. I need a coupon to go out, without it I'll be questioned by the local authorities and the minimart would not allow me to enter.

Times like these, I truly appreciate my freedom to move around. Even if it was on a motorbike. Okay, I'm going mad with self isolation.... I need to get out fast !!

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Walk a long

Thanks for joining the walk, during the pandemic and ;lockdowns understandably its been so hard for many including you to do walks, we just have to hope and prey it will pass befpore too long

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :)

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