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RE: Finding a princess among her gardens: Wednesdaywalk time

in Wednesday Walk2 years ago

This post is really striking and talking to me...

Not only because it's an awesome post with beautiful photos, but before I read your post I started working on a post of my own based on a similar topic...about the condition the world is in, and how we experience it versus living in our "own worlds".

I wanted to publish it today, but I was all over the show again and I started feeling rushed...and with the exact topic in mind, I decided not to publish today, but rather take my time and publish it next week.

Your photos reflect so much calmness and's just awesome! And the princess? Wow, it brought a broad smile to my face being a proud grandfather of two little princesses already...and a little prince. Ad our youngest little princess just came home tonight after another 3-day visit to the hospital after she contracted the RSV virus, which apparently could be fatal for little ones under the age of 3 years.

So yes, I have extra appreciation for this post of yours tonight! It helps me to remember and focus on the beauty that we still have in this world!

Thank you for sharing this with us!