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RE: Wednesday Walk - Plan your outfit well before a walk through the city of all climates in a single day. / Planea bien tu outfit antes de un paseo por la ciudad de todos los climas en un solo día. 😅❤️

in Wednesday Walk2 months ago

Good morning dear friend @lauramica, how are you?
You are right, when planning our trips we must include a review of the weather to be prepared. Wise advice.

Although Ushuaia is an unpredictable city, because out of nowhere the clouds gather and it starts to rain, but only for a few moments, then it turns into a sunny day. Yes, the ideal outfit is the style you have created, onion type, several layers of clothing to be discarded depending on the occasion.

What a beautiful experience you had to live in the city and what beautiful photographs you have taken, I appreciate you sharing these beauties

Have a great day


Good morning Luis. Yes, it is true that the weather is unpredictable, it was very crazy to experience something like that but luckily I had the ideal clothes.

Thanks for stopping by ❤️.