The ¨WednesdayWalk¨ took us to an emblem near the coast (Es-Eng)

in Wednesday Walk8 months ago
Hola apasionados amigos de esta genial ¨WednesdayWalkCommunity¨ : Muy feliz de poder acompañar a mi amigo tattoodjay:  en esta genial iniciativa que me brinda la oportunidad de compartir con todos las fotografías de los lugares que caminamos

Source: Family Álbum

Hello passionate friends of this great ¨WednesdayWalkCommunity¨: Very happy to be able to accompany my friend tattoodjay:  in this great initiative that gives me the opportunity to share with everyone the photographs of the places we walked

En el ¨post¨: del día de ayer les comenté que en la ciudad hay un conflicto de ¨transporte¨¨publico¨, y si tienes que hacer algún tipo de trámite en la ciudad hay que hacerlo caminando. Para ser totalmente honesto, esta es una caminata que hemos hecho ayer martes en inmediaciones de la costanera, y mientras caminábamos dimos con la ¨plaza¨ de ¨armas¨ de la ciudad, allí hay un inmenso mural y una gran fuente que simboliza y homenajea a la ¨prefectura¨ ¨nacional¨

Source: Family Álbum

In the ¨post¨:  Yesterday I told you that in the city there is a "public transportation" conflict, and if you have to do any type of procedure in the city you have to do it on foot. To be totally honest, this is a walk that we did yesterday, Tuesday, near the waterfront, and while we were walking we came across the city's "weapons" square, there is an immense mural and a large fountain that symbolizes and honors to the ¨prefecture¨ ¨national¨

Desgraciadamente en el momento en que hemos pasado por allí la fuente no estaba en funcionamiento, pero eso no fue un impedimento para fotografiar y ver las ilustraciones, como los peces y la embarcación que son los objetos que forman parte del escudo oficial de la fuerza. En alguna otra oportunidad que volvamos a pasar por aquí y la fuente esté en funcionamiento me comprometo en hacer algunas tomas. Ahora nos dirigimos hasta un predio, allí hay un espacio donde los propietarios de embarcaciones amarran sus veleros; en algunas otras de mis publicaciones ya les día a conocer una parte de este sector. Hoy no había tantas embarcaciones como otras veces, aun así, pudimos apreciar hermosos veleros.

Source: Family Álbum

Unfortunately at the time we passed by the fountain was not in operation, but that was not an impediment to photographing and seeing the illustrations, such as the fish and the boat that are the objects which are part of the official shield of the force. On some other occasion that we pass through here again and the fountain is in operation, I promise to take some shots. Now we go to a property, there is a space where boat owners moor their sailboats; In some of my other publications I already let you know a part of this sector. Today there were not as many boats as other times, even so, we were able to see beautiful sailboats.

Deje para el final del post las fotografías del inicio de la caminata, a tan solo unas cuadras de aquí está el ¨centro¨ de ¨salud¨ al que acudí y no había servicio por el cese sorpresivo del personal médico. Esto ha sido una situación muy irritante, dado que camine hasta la ciudad solo para cumplir con esta cita médica, por esa razón fui a este lugar de la costanera, allí hay un altar de la virgen ¨Stella¨¨Maris¨ : que por general haces misas al aire libre, como pueden ver en las fotos eso no sucedió ya que no había transporte público para llegar hasta allí

Source: Family Álbum

I left the photographs of the beginning of the walk for the end of the post, just a few blocks from here is the "health" center that I went to and there was no service due to the cessation surprise from the medical staff. This has been a very irritating situation, since I walked to the city just to keep this medical appointment, for that reason I went to this place on the waterfront, there is an altar of the virgin ¨Stella¨¨Maris¨: who usually do masses outdoors As you can see in the photos that did not happen since there was no public transportation to get there

Este es un lugar tranquilo de la ciudad, estar cerca del rio se respira un aire diferente, además de las buenas fibras del lugar. La presencia del altar de la virgen hace un clima diferente, allí hay una sensación de paz y tranquilidad, es como cuando entras a una iglesia y sientes esa quietud, esa serenidad que invade tu cuerpo. Era lo que necesitaba en ese momento para tranquilizar mi rabieta por todo lo que había sucedido antes. Todos ya saben que las tomas las hicimos con nuestra cámara ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ y aquellos que no sabían seguro se están enterando. A estos lugares nos llevó nuestra caminata y hemos vivido un montón de emociones, agradecido una vez más por toda su compañía y apoyo que siempre me brindan

Source: Family Álbum

This is a quiet place in the city, being near the river you can breathe a different air, in addition to the good fibers of the place. The presence of the altar of the virgin creates a different climate, there is a feeling of peace and tranquility, it is like when you enter a church and feel that stillness, that serenity that invades your body. It was what I needed at that moment to calm my tantrum over everything that had happened before. Everyone already knows that we took the shots with our ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ camera and those who didn't know are surely finding out. Our walk took us to these places and we have experienced a lot of emotions, grateful once again for all your company and support that you always give me


Source:  vimeo-free-videos


#Posh compartido en mis redes sociales

I have seen this beautiful place many times before and it was here in Hive. I see that it is a great place for many people, especially for a walk. As always the pictures are very nice, I love the art of the fish in the fountains. That reflection you make at the end conveys as much peace as the images you share and that's the most special thing about your publication, concentrating on the natural and seizing the moment. Good job brother!...

Este hermoso lugar ya lo he visto muchas veces y precisamente ha sido aquí en Hive. Veo que es un gran lugar para muchas personas, especialmente para dar un paseo. Como siempre están muy buenas las fotografías, me encanta el arte de los peces en las fuentes. Esa reflexión que haces al final transmite tanta paz como las imagenes que compartes y eso es lo mas especial de tu publicación, concentrarte en lo natural y aprovechar el momento. ¡Buen trabajo hermano!...

Como estas querido amigo @jesuslnrs buen dia
Corrientes es una ciudad pequeña pero hermosas, es ideal para este tipo de caminatas de miercoles. Muchas gracias por apreciar mis fotografias, eres muy gentil. Que disfrutes de una hermosa mañana

How are you dear friend @jesuslnrs good morning
Corrientes is a small but beautiful city, it is ideal for this type of Wednesday walks. Thank you very much for appreciating my photographs, you are very kind. Have a beautiful morning

It's a pity that you didn't do your medical exam, but at least you had a nice walk around the city...
That fountain looks beautiful even when it doesn't work! You captured it very well! Also, I like the small port and the sidewalk by the river... It looks so relaxing...

Thanks for sharing! Have a great day!

I have picked this post on behalf of the @OurPick project which will be highlighted in the next post!

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Currently Argentina is chaos, there is a lot of disagreement in the different sectors, including health, but to be honest we are used to it.
Yes, it was a great walk, we really enjoyed taking these shots of the fountain, its motifs are really striking
Thank you very much for appreciating my walk and the photographs I share.
Have a really beautiful afternoon dear friend @ph1102


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El equipo de curación del PROYECTO ENTROPÍA

Muchas gracias queridos amigos por el gran apoyo que me brindan les deseo a todos una tarde genial

Que hermoso lugar @jlufer, a pesar de estar nublado es una maravilla, me encantan los botes y los árboles en contraste con el blanco cielo. La virgen luce preciosa.

Gracias por esta caminata de miércoles!❤️

Como estas querido amigo @avdesing aprecio de todo corazon el gran apoyo que siempre me brindas
El altar y el rostro de la virgen es realmente precioso, disfrutamos mucho de la caminata a pesar de todo.
Que pases una hermosa tarde

Es una hermosa caminata, que tengas una tarde hermosa!

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Thank you very much for everything you do for us
I wish you all a great day

Must have been so frustrating you could not do your medical appointment, but still a beautiful walk, even with the fountain not working it was so cool to see

Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk :)

It is already a little common for these things to happen in my city, dear friend @tattoodjay, we are already used to it
The fountain with themed motifs looks great, we enjoyed taking these beautiful shots
Thank you very much for this pleasant visit and support you give me.

How frustrating for you to go into the city for medical appointments, being turned away with no one in attendance on the day.

Walk most probably did more good than harm at the end of the day, taking in the city being less populated a pleasure.


Yes, dear friend @joanstewart, having attended and not being attended to is very annoying, but thanks to the walk I arrived home super relaxed. we really enjoyed our walk
Thank you very much for the great support you always give me.
have a beautiful afternoon

Gained something by being there, that is what counts!

Hey @jlufer, here is a little bit of BEER from @joanstewart for you. Enjoy it!

We love your support by voting @detlev.witness on HIVE .

I would definitely go there for a breather! I love the view esp those still boats. So nice!

How are you dear friend @wittyzell good morning
It would be great if you could get to know my city, a quiet place to visit and enjoy nature and the proximity of the beaches.
Thank you very much for this pleasant visit
Have a beautiful morning

Amazing! Everything is beautiful, especially the boats, @jlufer. I enjoyed the virtual tour, my friend!!! Have a great day!

What a joy to know that you enjoyed my walk, dear friend @bloghound, I wholeheartedly appreciate the enormous support you give me.
have a great day