
Totally agreed about the future my friend as time always tells!

Yeah, orca's have big voting power but at the rate that I am going, the year will be over and I will still struggle to get to the 30000 mark.
Bitcoin is also a strange animal that can shoot up to the sky and then drop down to the ocean 🤣

But my hope is that everyone on Hive will get there one day, wherever that is lol.

Cheers and thanks!

Hope and wait is what I am doing. Maybe this time we all will be lucky 😀

Cheers and !BEER

Oh yeah, the adage at play here and it's name is patience my friend.
But I say this more to bear myself up 🤣

Cheers and thanks!

You got the patience my friend, I know that, but the patience and I are no good friends 🤣 lol

Cheers and !BEER

Wait for it young man, patience and her cousin time will gradually work on you as you age hahaha.

Cheers and thanks!

Oh yes, I already can feel it 😉 ... means I am a lot more patient than I was 10 years ago - still sitting for longer than a few minutes has almost not been possible 😊

Cheers and !BEER

The trick as I have explained to JJ is to ban all thoughts from your mind and to concentrate on the immediate surroundings. I hardly ever sit as I rather stand and while waiting I get things like this.


Taken today while I was waiting for one of the bucks in my post to stand up, as they were both laying down.

Cheers and thanks!

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