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RE: Wednesday Walk an evening walk in the Cemetery

in Wednesday Walk4 years ago

Your walk suits to this week's theme Halloween, JJ, but this cemetary is a beautiful, nice and friendly one, if you photograph it in such good weather conditions in color.
But in mono it looks like a cemetary should look like in a movie or at Halloween ... a bit scary 😱 😉

At first I thought WOW when I saw that sky, but then it looked a bit familiar to me, because I have also already played a bit with this new feature and photoshop does a great job I believe.

Cheers and !BEER


I must admit I was thinking of Halloween when I prepared this post, as I was moving and chopping up the remnants of the trees we had cut down today my wife was puttingup Halloween decorations

Cheers and !BEER

My daughter wanted to go to a big Halloween party, but there won't be any parties this year. So she's going to a friend a they'll have a little party at home. I think it's better that way.

Halloween isn't such a big thing here. We haven't known it when we were young, but our kids do, and some are sad that they can't go from door to door to collect sweets 😉

Cheers and !BEER

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