
Yes indeed he is working away :)

LUlu has made him coffee and a sandwich already LOL

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That's nice of you - being kind to good workers makes them work even better. I'm the same - if my boss is nice I work better 😁

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Yeah true I am or was the same

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Yepp, we have many things in common, apart from the fact that you are free from slavery 🤣

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That’s one way to look at it
Funny thing is I swear I am busier now than I was working lol

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Many pensioners are more busy than before. They are stressed from the morning till they go to bed 🤣

But you have some good reasons to be busy, you have a new house in a new town. The house needs a lot of work to do and the town needs to be explored 😊

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It’s a good thing I will will say I’m not stressed tired at times but not stressed the good thing is all that we are doing doesn’t really need to be done but the things we want done to make the place more to our liking sitting in the yard as I finish off the prep work for the concrete pad we are putting in life is good

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