Wednesday Walk on the Sarsaparilla Trail

in Wednesday Walk2 years ago


About a month ago, I took a short hike on the Sarsaparilla Trail, a beautiful little trail in our local NCC greenbelt and one known for its wildlife.


The day was a little overcast but the sun kept breaking through and lighting up the last of the autumn leaves. It gave that "come hither" quality to the landscape like in the photo above that drew me towards the water to discover the path leading to the dock.


Of course, once there, the sun went back in! I chatted with two kids I met at the end of the dock, one in a wheelchair. This is one of the more accessible trails and that's good. We stood and watched the ducks for awhile.


The Mallard ducks weren't too disturbed by our presence.


There is no hunting allowed in the greenbelt so they are pretty safe, and people leave them alone.





I had been trying to photograph the last of the autumn leaves and the sun wasn't cooperating. Notice the difference between the next two photos; almost the same scene but the sun came out.



It's like magic.


I swear I'm being followed. This little black-capped chickadee paused and stared as if trying to memorize my face.


In the center of this photo is a squirrel carrying a leaf. Can you spot it?


A beautiful old birch tree but not a white birch.


Life in all its forms.


And many signs of life around us.


The last photo is of a red squirrel.

Many thanks to @tattoodjay for his wonderful #WednesdayWalk that gets us away from our screens and outdoors.


Sarsaparilla Trail


Photos from the iPad of @kansuze on the Sarsaparilla Trail, Nepean (Ottawa), Canada.

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Must be a very peaceful place for the animals to be so curious and unafraid of people. If you were feeding me, I think I'd try to memorize your face, too! lol

A lovely area!

Thanks for sharing!


Thanks for stopping by!

It's great to walk in such places!

Wow, I like that small bird sitting on a hand 😊

Awesome area here! Love the woods to go for a nice walk! Glad that you still have some fall colors, this far north it’s all gone. Comes with the territory but still beautiful!

Funny how the bird landed right on your hand!

That was from about a month ago so we have snow here too now. Yes, the birds will land on your hand because people feed them. It has happened to me on three different trails here and it might just be during the fall and winter.

Looks such a beautiful area fir walking great that it is wheelchair accessible
The difference when the sun comes out is so noticeable

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :), I truly enjoy exploring the world virtually each Wednesday seeing walks from all around the globe and feeling I am there and experiencing it all myself, such as I did in your post just now :)