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RE: Wednesday walk in Manila

in Wednesday Walk2 years ago

So great to hear you broke the strain and went out after being inside for a long while. Yes a walk does do wonders. It resets your mind.
Glad you are joining in here @eylz619 😁 it can help you get out more too… and than you post here on the Wednesday.
Beautiful walk and photographs. Hope you enjoyed it… I sure did.
Thanks for sharing!


hi sweetie! was glad too and yep it is so refreshing to be out seeing the world again and yes hoping to here every wednesday too!

Glad that you enjoyed your virtual walk with me:) Have a great day @littlebee4

Hi sweetie 👋🏻😊 I can so imagine. I’m an introvert and like to be inside… I push myself to go for walks. Still I don’t like crowds or even shopping. But that’s ok.

It was a great walk. Thanks I will, first bedtime now 😴😴
Enjoy your day 😁👋🏻 Talk soon… big hug 🤗

have a good night sleep @littlebee4 talk soon! :)

Thanks @eylz619 👋🏻😁😴