
Hi @livinguktaiwan, this is the first time I have seen this page/site. The posts and photos are definitely mine, but I didn't post them. I post mostly through the Ecency interface, I had never heard of until a few minutes ago. I'm on Hive since 2nd Dec 2021, on this page as far as I can see someone joined July 2022. Also the dates of the posts don't match mine, I posted my first post 3rd Dec 2021, on this page it was posted 3rd July 2022. To answer the question this account is not mine and I don't manage it.
Thanks for the information, is there anything I can do to avoid such things?

Someone has been targeting Hive accounts on Blurt and it's happened to others in the past. It's best if you clarify it on Hive. If you check the below account on blurt, you will see a link to their discord channel where you can report your account as fake.

I've also just got their channel on Dicord for reporting plagiarism, spam, or abuse (#blurtabuse channel on OpenBlurt.Chat). I'll report it and let you know what I've arranged. Thank you again!

That's great, get it sorted out before it impacts you on Hive.

I have reported the abuse and I'm waiting for their response. Thank you for your help, I really appreciate it!

Btw, you're following this fake account who is stealing images from @belug

Ups, not any more!

Hi, just to let you know, the blog profile and all posts on blurt have been flagged for plagiarism/fake. Thank you for the information!