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RE: a Walk around the Block with Blah Blah Stories - Wednesday Walk

in Wednesday Walk • 2 years ago

I used them a lot for making logo etc, my early days of blogging here was basically doing stuff with them. I was a pro on them until I don't use them anymore😅. Now I get frustrated when I don't know how to delete layers haha.

We are terrible with both. There's litter everywhere and despite numerous effort on cleaning it, even through laws and policies, people still do that. This wednesday walk is more engaging that what I normally read haha


So far GIMP is for me an image manipulation tool. Never really designed something other than a few things here and there. Usually, I use Powerpoint for that. An app I'm using from the day it was released, well, almost from that day onwards 😉 Powerpoint was my tool for almost anything since for work I had to make plenty of presentations and all that to try and have something visual when visiting customers. I think because I used it so often, I started to do all sorts of other things with it as well. Anyways, now I try and master GIMP, but need time and lots of playing around :) And I need to get the batch processing work, that's super important to reduce the time on posts like this one 🙃

I realise how quick information and knowledge get lost in our grey masses when not using such anymore. Google (well, Presearch) is therefore my best friend 😉 For my HIVE posts I'm getting too much used to Hivesearcher. Not too many use that tool as far as I know, but perfect tool to find whatever one wrote 'once upon a time' :) But am digressing, as I did in my post hahaha

I do hope your government/community will do better over time with the littering. I suppose it took as a ling time as well before we turned into having clean streets.