School Holiday Circumcision Program

in Wednesday Walklast year (edited)


Hello to Everyone. How are you doing today? May you remain in good health. I haven't posted in a week. Reading and Netflix are what I do most of the time.


But yesterday, I had a programme that I had to attend with my two sons. In conjunction with the school holidays, the circumcision programme (called Berkhatan in Malay) is a programme that is always held every time the school holidays start.





We wake up as early as 5:30 a.m. and get ready by 6:30 a.m. The programme is organised by the Surau at Duchess of Kent Hospital, sandakan starts at 7:30 a.m. That's why we started our journey as early as possible.



Surau Meaning
[Surau is taken from a Malay word. It is a small mosque and suits the needs for five daily prayers. Like mosques, suraus are also endowed for the use of prayers for the public]



It seems that the weather is quite cool and cloudy, but there is a little sun. My younger brother brought us all to the program. It takes about 15 minutes from my house to the venue.



It appeared that many parents were already present at the surau when we arrived to register their children. My sons' names are already reserved for both of them. Just sign up and pay the required cost. All ages are welcome. The cost of RM70.00 ($16.10 USD) per person is therefore extremely reasonable and worthwhile.





In the surau, the parents and kids are gathered, and everyone is arranged in rows according to registration numbers. Numbers 14 and 15 were given to my son. The time at that point was 7:45 a.m. and the program started at 8:15 a.m.

The Uztaz explains to the kids all the benefits of circumcision so that everyone is aware of them and does not experience any fear. A prayer was then read by the uztaz to ensure the program's success and run smoothly.




There are five existing circumcisers, and this time the method they use is the laser method. Unlike the old days, when people used scissors and some used clamps, It seems that as the world progresses, the circumcision process is changes with the times.



The benefits of circumcision are many, and the main purpose is for the sake of personal hygiene for every man. It is not necessary that only Muslims be required to be circumcised. But to all men, I recommend that you be circumcised for the sake of the cleanliness of your private parts.


At about 10 o'clock plus in the morning, both of my children were circumcised, and we went home after finishing. Although there is a little dissatisfaction today because of the management of the organisers regarding this program, it took us 2 hours plus waiting for their turn, which was not necessary. Some of the parents and organisers of the programme didn't follow the queue number because they were friends or knew each other.


As I got home, my boys began experiencing pain, so I gave them paracetamol to help them feel better. It appears that the recovery procedure could last a week. I will thus constantly keep an eye on them to ensure that they are clean, take precautions to prevent microbial infections of their wounds, and recover quickly.


This is only a brief story of what happened to me currently for you all on my blog this time. Do you support this circumcision technique? Please feel free to leave feedback in my comment box. With greetings and a wish for everyone to be rewarded with goodness, I end this blog.


(All Photos & Video are mine)



Circumcision is done here in Nigeria as well. Just in most parts, my part of the country included, it is done within a few days when the boys are newly born so that they won't know the pain.

I wish you and your cute boys all the best❤🥰 !luv

That's cool. It is much better to do it when they are just born, right? Because now I have to do the dressing for both my sons so that it won't get infected and clean it.

Does every boy or man have to undergo circumcision in your country? Is it a must or by choice?

It is much better to do it when they are just born, right?

Yes, I did my son's own when he was just a week plus and he wasn't in pain that much. The way it is done here as well did not need any dressing at all, we just applied wound dressing cream for him after baths and that is all. It healed up within two weeks completely.

Does every boy or man have to undergo circumcision in your country? Is it a must or by choice?

It is not a must but I think everyone knows the benefits so almost all ethics do it but a few waits till their sons grow just like your sons before doing it.

It is not a must but I think everyone knows the benefits so almost all ethics do it but a few waits till their sons grow just like your sons before doing it.

That's good to know. I know some might not agree with the process, but it's all up to the individual. And the medical technologies are getting better and are becoming more painless. Even my sons are not in pain now. It's just that they need to wait until it heals. Some said it took a week to recover. Maybe it depends on how they take care of the private part.

Glad to know your sons are not in pain as well, and yes, technology has advanced and made the healing process easy and fast.

They didn't worry as much as I did. I guess they get irritated when I keep on asking them how they are doing. 😁 I'm constantly checking in to see how they're feeling.

Now both of them were occupied playing games on their phones while lying in bed. Then, I'll check in on them both in the morning. 🤭🤭🤭

That's not true. They will know the pain.

In my living area, now we use laser method too. Fast recovery.

I hope your sons recovery fast and they are growing up as "Sholeh" men. They can make parents be happy and proud to have them 😊

Greetings from Indonesia

It is much easier and faster now, right? I do hope they recover soon. I just finished dressing them. .

In Sha Allah, I am hoping they will grow to be a wonderful man, a "sholeh" son to me, and a good man to the community.

Salam dari Malaysia.☺️🇲🇾

It's nothing to do with cleanliness , it is an old tradition born from religion that in modern times uses the 'cleanliness' argument in a pathetic attempt to give this child abuse scientific and moral legitimacy.
I find it abhorrent that people put their children through unnecessary and medical procedures that are NOT risk free simply to prove their faith in a god.

Oh, and by the way. I am not unhygienic or dirty and have never had any infections or illness despite not being circumcised.

As I said, disfiguring a child in the name of religion is an absolute disgrace.

Thank you for your comment. I respect your opinion. As as me, a Muslim, Male circumcision is carried out for Muslims for religious reasons, primarily in order to adhere to the sunnah (practice) of Prophet Muhammad.

Also, there are initiatives to characterize it as a supporter of personal hygiene or cleanliness.

And we Muslim must be clean between each of our five time prayers. From head to toes. Even a fart might cause our prayers to end and require a fresh start.

By the way, you might read this article on the guidance of a medical professional. I'm not a doctor, but reading this has helped me to understand the cause so far. Hope it's help you too.

Thank you. I understand the history and the argument for it being healthy and clean but this doesn't take away the fact that it is unnecessary (on medical grounds) and that it is mutilation of a child who is not capable of making his own decision on whether he chooses to remove a part of his body or not.

I have many references on the subject but thank you for the link however, I would also refer you to examine whether the risk associated with the procedure outweighs the perceived benefit or whether you have statistics of the number of children around the world who die as a consequence of this primarily religious practise, not to mention the.pain and discomfort you cause your child through this procedure.

I'm not sure how other people's children accept circumcision. But my two sons may be aware and know about the commandment and virtue of circumcision themselves. My son was not forced, and they are the ones who've been asking me when they can be circumcised. I guess the boys are now better at finding information on their own about the circumcision process.

I was anxious as I accompanied them through this programme, but they were fearless because they were prepared. I'm not sure what your religion is, but I'm sorry because, to you, our religion might seem forced and might seem ridiculous.

Everyone has different religious beliefs, so it all relies on us. I'm also aware that people from other religions have done the same thing. But I guess it's not because of their religion. Maybe this blogger @funshee can explain to you her reason why she let her son be circumcised, even as a newborn. I know that it's not just Muslims who are doing it; there must be a good reason why other religions are doing it too.

I also have many friends who are not Muslims but who are also circumcised. It's just that I never asked why they wanted to be circumcised. Because before, I thought only Muslims were circumcised. Apparently, it doesn't matter what religion this is.

Regarding the question of the statistical risk and possible death after circumcision, in the 44 years I have lived, I have never heard of anyone dying because of circumcision. But if you have an article that I can read, could you please give me the link to the article?

Oh yes, now that it's the second day of my children's circumcision, they don't feel pain anymore; they just need to take care of their private parts until they're fine. I do know how concerning you are about the children, but they both are amazingly fine.😁😁

Thank you so much and its wonderful you allow them freewill to make their own decision at an age they perhaps understand more.

As the religious issue, I object to ALL circumcision on religious grounds, I genuinely do not pick out Islam! Many religions and even the non-religious perform this procedure as a 'normal' thing. The origin I believe is much further back than the Sunnah as in Genesis 17:13 in the Old Testament

13 He that is born in thy house, and he that is bought with thy money, must needs be circumcised; and My covenant shall be in your flesh for an everlasting covenant.

For interest, Hinduism sees it as sinful as the body is made by God and even that it is a form of self harm.

I hope the boys quickly recover and wish you and your lovely family health and happiness,

PS Zero religion was the answer to your question, but again, my disagreement is against the practise of circumcision and NOT the religion.

Mostly where i have lived it is done just after the children are born and the pain and healing processis not such an issue

Thanks for joining the Wednesday, its always fun for me to visit the walks from all around the world, getting a feel for communities where people live and what they see on their daily walks

Mostly where i have lived it is done just after the children are born and the pain and healing process is not such an issue

Oh, that's the second time today I've gotten such info. To think about it, I guess it might be easier while they are still a newborn baby. The older they get, the thicker their skin is. I wonder on your side, do they do it because of their religion or for hygiene purposes?

I think it is often recommended for hygiene reasons

Despite your health you are still strong for your kids. I'm so proud of you.
I'm not a man but i know circumcision can be very painful. I was there when they were doing my nephews own.
I'm so sorry about their pain, i pray it goes faster

Luckily, both of my sons are okay now. They only complained and whined about the pain for a few minutes, and after taking the paracetamol, the pain stopped. I keep on asking them how they feel, and they seem to be okay after that. I guess it's not painful like how it used to be before.

It's good they are fine now