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RE: How did I get back to Alcoy?

in Wednesday Walklast year

Yeah, I imagine the streets look familiar :)
The same happens with little villages, right? the narrow streets and white houses, with flowers and chairs in front of the doors.

Now Egypt, it must look completely different than the Spanish surrounding, but I have never been there, so I don't really know ;)


Yes the villages too, I have been to several of them and they are lovely.

I've always been fascinated by Egypt because of the pyramids above all, one day I'll go there... I'm sure it's very different, but only for a visit hahaha

Yeah, only for a visit. Though there are places we visit and like and then wish to stay there.

Well for many I was visiting Spain and I stayed here .... in fact I fell in love with this city. That's right.❤️