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RE: Artistic tour in a very peculiar walk.

in Wednesday Walk2 months ago

I wonder who the author of the poem on the stairs will be... it's wonderful.

I love that you visited this place. I still have this pending issue of resuming my visits to art galleries and cultural centers.


The poem is written on one of the pictures on the stairs, but there is no author. It was something new and I loved it.

There is always time to take those walks again.❤️

I loved every detail you show us in this walk. I like the work of this photographer, you know I love street and monochrome photography.
It's a great work that is exhibited there. Not only from the artists but also from the curators of the exhibition.


I was fascinated, I had no idea what I was going to find and it was wonderful. I'm glad you enjoyed it. That part of the exhibition was huge, I took 80 pictures!