Artistic tour in a very peculiar walk.

in Wednesday Walk2 months ago


A few days ago a friend of mine told me about an art exhibition at the Ateneo in Malaga, the photographs she sent me of the place seemed great and I planned to go for a walk around the place.

Besides, I wanted to find out what else there was, as she had only sent me two images and I said to myself: There must be much more.

And there was.


I had never entered that place before, I think I still have a lot to discover about this city, always changing, always moving.
Every new step I take I see new and beautiful things.



The place, where El Ateneo is situated, is old and is located in the square Constitución, between a church and the commerce commission. I hardly notice the entrance as it seems to be part of the church next to it.


On entering I realised that although the exhibition my friend had told me about was no longer there, there were three others.

The place amazed me, it consisted of corridors and stairs and the atmosphere was very warm.



The first exhibition was called Inhóspita, by the artist Sara Sarabia and the works were an exquisite mixture of photographs and different materials.




Some were transfers of photographs on canvas, others on rice paper and other materials.




It was a very original exhibition, where there were not only photographs but also writing. I was very struck by the type of materials used.



I also saw two works that consisted of photo transfers on mirrors. A marvel.

The reason why this exhibition is called Inhóspita, alludes to the process of curating that we all go through in our lives, learning and maturing. The important thing is the curing process that, like these works of art, we human beings carry out throughout our lives.

It also refers to observation, chemical and physical processes, reflection and enjoyment until the final result is achieved.


After this exhibition, to continue with the next one, I had to climb some stairs.

Some very original stairs, as they had messages on their steps.


A staircase, a landing and another staircase. The messages spoke of the journey one takes up the stairs.


In the middle of the stairs, there were posters telling how to become a member of this institution.



Of course when I got to the end I saw the roof, another beauty.
I looked at the path and it looked very nice.



More stairs, but this time I could not access, although I could see more works of art like sculptures.


The corridors were set with delicate lights and the museum atmosphere was very relaxing.



The next art exhibition of this very nice walk is again dedicated to photography.

Its author is Luis Tentor and the exhibition Callejeo.

A large number of photographs of moments of everyday life in the city are on display.



I noticed that many of them were not from this year but from some years ago, as if the photographer had stopped in the streets waiting for the perfect shot.

People walking, waiting for something, looking around.


But this one told me that if there was an emergency I had to get out of there quickly. But very quickly.


In others it looked as if people had posed especially for these photographs.

Black and white beauties of different moments where the author seeks to capture unique scenes in parks, streets, paths, promenades, squares.



Both the furniture and the doors of the place had a wooden style that caught my attention for its originality, delicacy and beauty.


A bench invited me to rest for a moment, or maybe I just wanted to be noticed among so much art.

Finally I went to the last exhibition, but I think that in this case, they were still preparing the space for it. The exhibition that my friend had told me about was there before.

The exhibition is called Ohec, by the artist Ocaña.

But there were some very expressive paintings of hers, with bright colours.


Poor foot, I hope I never drop a paintbrush like that.


Strange animals were watching me.


This very abstract work stood out for its colours, in contrast to the black and white of the previous show.


A mess of papers or a modern collage, what do you think?


It seems that this place has a labyrinth... I looked for it, but I couldn't find it.


Until I looked through a window and saw it in an internal courtyard, I love labyrinths.


Then, to finish off this artistic walk, I could not miss a good cup of coffee with lots of foam.


It was delicious and made my walk perfect.

I hope you enjoyed with me this tour full of art. Best regards to all of you and see you next time.

All photographs are my own.

Separador Amonet rosa.png


Que maravilla pasear junto a avdesing por este museo, la fotos con las piernas peludas me hizo reír jajaj, que rico un cafecito para finalizar el día, se ve la distancia y categoría del lugar a través de las fotos 😃/

Gracias muchachón, ves? siempre encontrarás algo super extraño en alguna fotografía jajaja

Un café no se le niega a nadie, sólo por 1.55 euros!

pol dio eso cuesta una hamburguesa, mejor dame una hamburguesa 😋

No costaba 5 dólares? 🤣

la de carne con pollo y chuleta y contorno de papa pero la hamburguesa sencilla cuesta eso 😋

Ahhh entonces cuando te pregunté, me diste el precio del combo🤣

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Thank you so much @pinmapple 😃

Tú amiga te conoce muy bien, porque si viviera allá y me enterara de alguna actividad nueva en la ciudad, enseguida sabría que debo avisarte 😅 Muy interesante la exposición, y lo mejor es cerrar el paseo con un cafecito ✨

Si que me conoce bien jajaja me envión rápidamente un mensaje cuando vio el lugar!

No puedo evitarlo, y tengo muchas muestras a las que ir, aparecen los carteles en las calles.

Muchas gracias Gloria!😃

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Thank you very much @pinmapple ❤️
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Thank you!!

Quedé deslumbrada con los escritos en papeles de arroz!!!!????
El lugar me pareció súper agradable y cálido, y las fotos en blanco y negro perfectas, le agregan el toque perfecto de antiguo, de viaje en el tiempo...
Me encantó tu paseo!!

Me pasó exactamente lo mismo, cuando vi eso, me dije... que es? Una maravilla y me encanta la fotografía. Muchas gracias por acompañarme en esta caminata.❤️

I wonder who the author of the poem on the stairs will be... it's wonderful.

I love that you visited this place. I still have this pending issue of resuming my visits to art galleries and cultural centers.

The poem is written on one of the pictures on the stairs, but there is no author. It was something new and I loved it.

There is always time to take those walks again.❤️

I loved every detail you show us in this walk. I like the work of this photographer, you know I love street and monochrome photography.
It's a great work that is exhibited there. Not only from the artists but also from the curators of the exhibition.


I was fascinated, I had no idea what I was going to find and it was wonderful. I'm glad you enjoyed it. That part of the exhibition was huge, I took 80 pictures!

Hi @avdesig; I've been hanging around your place for a while. Looking at what you offer us today. I really liked Sara Sarabia's work, the textures, I felt like touching the computer screen to be able to caress those shapes with your printed images. I have downloaded the photographs of the steps, to be able to read each sentence better...

now without wings or air to reach higher... without branches to shelter...

I feel so like this... and climbing...

And I have taken a big surprise, I knew some of Luis Tentor's photographs in the exhibition, but I didn't know that they were his, I know.

A hug @avdesign, greetings and thanks for this gift.

I was pleasantly surprised by this exhibition and especially by the rice paper, as well as by the staircase. I love it! And the photographs of the photographs... I took more than 60 hahaha There are more!

Thank you very much and good night!✨

See you tomorrow @avdesign; I look forward to seeing the remaining photos. Good evening.

Below are more close-up photographs to get a closer look at the details. Thank you and good morning!

thanks for sharing with us such a cool and interesting exhibit

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk and have a great day

It was a pleasure, I loved going to that show, super amazing! Thank you very much to you!😃

What a wonderful and artistic place to visit. I like what they did with text and type


and this is the perfect way to end the visit


That was one of the things that caught my attention! I loved it. Of course that's how I ended this beautiful, delicious walk! Thank you very much!😀

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Thank you very much for the badge, it makes me very happy!😃

Bravo @avdesing! Keep up the good work and watch your Hive power soar.

I will! Thanks always for the support!

What a beautiful place you have visited @avdesing and how many beautiful works and photographs you have been able to see, I loved the writing on the steps of the staircase and the foot that receives the blow of the brush

The staircase was very original, I enjoyed reading those messages. Thank you very much @miprimerconcurso 😃

Interesting everything, the staircase and the way in which each step carries a message, but more I liked the pictures of the woman on the floor and the red stains, it will be that it wants to mean violence, abuse and in the end disappears. What did you think and if there was any reference to the artist who created them. I liked it a lot. You always bring us very interesting things. Good day friend.🥰❤️❤️❤️❤️

It refers to the learning and healing processes, it is quite possible that it is as you mention. I was pleasantly surprised by the ladder.
Thank you very much @mamani 😃

How are you dear friend @avdesing good morning
What a beautiful city you live in, I love how many places there are to visit and see good and beautiful art.
I really like the works that you show us
Thank you very much for sharing these beauties with us.

The exhibitions change all the time, every three months there are new artists exhibiting, and that fascinates me! I will bring a lot more! Thank you @jlufer 😃