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RE: Wednesday Walk - A Helping Hand

Good morning Gabs and you wrote this reply 8 hours ago, so I think that our time differences is about a few hours and we are both busy people. No need anymore for sorries.

I read somewhere that a city block of 10 houses could produce a ton of plastic waste every month. An amazing figure and it shows thec trouble that we are in.
Sadly it doesn't seem to be a main news item and the media doesn't take it up in fear of aleniating their clients. They are more interested in shocking sellers like murder and mayhem, as that sells their papers.

What they don't realize is that soon they will have no more clients if we all continue to destroy nature.
Therefore it is essential to get this story out there every day so that people can learn to protect nature.

Yeah, we are doing well and will pop out to visit a flea market this morning.

Blessings and !BEER


You are so right with your every word! So good world and the mankind have you :)

Flea market? Oh, I love it. However they are closed now in our surroundings 😐

Leaving right now as first had a mountain of comments to reply to Gabs.
I will take some photos at the flea market to show you.

Cheers and !BEER

I will take some photos at the flea market to show you.

Yes please :)
Enjoy !!

Here you guy Gabs, a surprise at the flea market!


Hope that your Sunday is good!

Tripod 💕

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